Chapter 8- The Satanic, Arrogant, Insect

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      Before we enter the castle, Neville and I let our hands go. I turned to him and awkwardly kissed him on the cheek.
      "I'll see you later." I tell him, walking inside before him.
      As soon as I step into the Great Hall, the twins are staring at me. I walk towards them, and shortly after, Neville walked in.
      As soon as I sit down the twins are already asking me questions, "So, you found Longbottom?" George asked.
      "Yes." I handed the map back to him, "Thank you."
      "Where was he?" Fred asked.
      "The greenhouse." I told them.
      George asked the next question, "What was he doing?"
      "Crying." I told them, "But I'm not gonna tell you why."
      "Because you broke up with him?" Fred asked, winking at me.
      "What?" I end up blushing, but I pray that it goes away, "We were never dating."
      "Notice how she said, 'Were'?" Fred asked George.
      "Past tense." George said, side-eyeing me.
      "Shut up." I tell them.
      They both smiled, "So, how'd you cheer him up?"
      I rolled my eyes, "Stop."
      "Oh, woah, woah, she's not denying it." Fred told George.
      "Will you two tone your voices down? Please?" I ask them.
      "Why?" Fred asked.
      "What are you hiding from us?" George asked.
      "We won't judge. Or tell." They both assured me.
      I rolled my eyes, "If you do, I get the map for a month."
      "That bad, huh?" Fred asked.
      "Or that good." George whispered.
      "Shut up." I tell them, "Do you swear?"
      "Yes." They both said.
      I looked over at Neville, who was staring back at me, but this time, he didn't look away. Instead, he smiled and waved, so I did the same thing back.
      "Y/n." The twins said.
      I looked back at them, "Okay," I whispered, "He told me that he likes me."
      "What did you say?" George asked.
      I smiled, "I told him that I like him back."
      George looked at Fred and smiled. Fred handed George a sickle, "Thank you." George said.
      "Shut up." Fred responded.
      "Did you really bet on me?" I asked them.
      "Yes we did." They told me.
      "Anyways, continue." George told me.
      I smiled, "And then I kissed him..." I whispered.
      Both of their faces lit up, "Wicked."
      I rolled my eyes at them, "What is wrong with you?"
      "I don't know." They both said, "Perhaps everything."
      I laugh, "You're ridiculous."
      "You love us." Fred said.
      George looked at him and leaned into his ear, "Or, she loves Neville."
      "Oh my God you guys. We just told each other about our feelings about twenty minutes ago."
      I look behind them and see Malfoy staring me down. Once we made eye-contact, he raised his eyebrows in a mocking way.
      "Speaking of which." I said, standing up.
      I walked over to him, drawing my wand out, "Why, hello, Mudblood."
      "You." I thought for a split second, "You satanic, arrogant, insect!"
      I grabbed the back of his robe and pulled him to his feet, pinning him against the wall.
      I heard gasps from every direction. Malfoy just put a cocky smile on his face as I brought my wand to his throat.
      "Oh my God." I heard from behind me. I heard running footsteps, "Y/n." Neville placed his right hand on my shoulder, and took my wand from my hand in his left hand.
      I didn't look away from Malfoy, "How. Date. You." I said to him.
      "Y/n." Neville grabbed my arm and pulled my away from Malfoy. He turned me around to look at him, "Please."
      "I'm sorry." I said to him. He let go of my arm and I whipped around, punching Malfoy square in the nose.
      "Y/n!" I heard a loud, deep voice come from behind me. I got picked up with one hand, behind pinned to someone's chest.
      "Hagrid, let go of me." I told him, kicking at him.
      "I'm afraid I can't do that." Hagrid carried me out of the Great Hall and out to his hut.
      I eventually gave up and relaxed in his arms. He opened the door to his hut and put me down inside. I turned around to look at him, "Hagrid."
      "Tell me why you did what you did." He pointed to the chair to his right, "Sit down."
      "I found Neville crying. Malfoy told him that his parents deserved to be tortured and that it's a good thing that his parents can't recognize their own son."
      "That's no reason to punch him." Hagrid said, sitting at his table.
      "Hagrid!" I could hear the whine in my voice, "He calls me a Mudblood, he's rude to Neville, he's rude to everybody!"
      "Y/n." He sighed, "Let the Professors take care of it."
      "Malfoy has been doing this for years and nothing has been done about it, Hagrid." I shake my head.
      "I think that you should take a break tomorrow. Stay in your common room and just cool off."
      I tilt my head, "How am I supposed to get my food and homework?"
      He shrugged, "We'll send someone to give it to you."
      "Neville." I told him, "I want Neville."
      "Very well." He pointed to the door, "Now, off to bed."

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