Chapter 18- Together Forever

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      It's been 20 years since the battle of Hogwarts. It's summer vacation for Hogwarts students and Professors.
      I'm sitting at the kitchen table. My herbal tea is sitting in front of me. I'm watching Neville through the window.
      While watching, I'm fiddling with the ring on my left hand. The ring that Neville put on my ring finger when we said our, 'I do's.
      Neville's in the backyard. Doing who-knows-what in the garden. I reach for my mug and take a sip of the tea.
      "Ew." I force myself to drink the tea, "That's cold." I stand up and dump the tea in the sink, rinsing the mug out.
      I set the mug in the sink and walk back to the table. I look out the window and Neville is no longer in the garden.
      I hear the door close. I walk over to it and Neville is standing there, his rubber gloves still on his hands.
      He plastered his crooked smile on his face, "Hey, Sunflower."
      "Hey." I walked over to him. I put my hands on his face and kissed him. I pulled away and we walked back into the kitchen.
      He took his gloves off and put them in the closet, "What time did you wake up this morning?"
      "Um, not too long, an hour maybe." I shrug. I look out the window and back at my husband, "What are you working on out there?"
      He chuckled, "Sunflowers."
      I shake my head, "You know that the kiddos are going to ruin your garden when they get here."
      "Our garden." He corrected, "If they touch that garden, I'm going to throw them into the compost."
      I crack up laughing, "You would never."
      He shrugged, "I don't know, I might."
      The door bell rang, "Speak of the Devil."
      "I got it." Neville jogged to the front door and opened it, "Hey, kid."
      "Hello, Professor Longbottom." Albus leaned over and looked at me, "And Professor Longbottom."
      "Hey, what have we told you?" I said, walking to the door.
      "Call you 'Professor' at school, and call you by your first names outside of school." James came around the corner.
      "Don't be a grump, Jamie." Lily shortly followed him inside.
      "Hey, Lils." I said, bending over and hugging my best friend's daughter.
      "Oh my God." I look up to see who's talking. Ginny is standing at the door, "I feel like I haven't seen you for forever!"
      She dropped all of her bags and ran to me, nearly killing her child.
      "Nice to see you two, Ginny." Neville put a hand up awkwardly.
      Pretty soon, Harry stepped through the door, "I'm sorry, Nev." he laughed, "I'm pretty sure it's a girl thing."
      "Shut up, Potter." I walked over to him and we hugged for a few seconds.
      Ginny transitioned to Neville, "How have you been?" She asked.
      "We've been okay." Neville said.
      "A little bored now that I don't get to see students for a few months." I admit.
      "I bet." Harry said.
      "Kids," Ginny called after her children, "Go okay outside, it's beautiful out."
      "I'm going outside." Neville said, running outside with them.
      I can't help but laugh really loudly, "Oh boy."
      "What's wrong with him?" Harry asked.
      "He said that if any of your kids get into the garden, he's going to throw them in the compost."
      Ginny laughed, "It's not my kids you should be worried about." She widened her eyes, "My brother on the other hand."
      We all laugh, "Well, come in." I told them.
      They took their shoes off and walked into the kitchen, sitting at the table.
      I sat down with them and looked out the window, "How old are the kids now?"
      "Well," Harry started, "James is 14, Albus is 12, and  Lily is ten."
      "Oh my God." I shook my head, "So I'm going to be getting another student with the last name of Potter next year?"
      "Yep." Ginny said, "I know."
      "How's George?" I asked.
      "He said that he's still having nightmares, but he's happy that our kids get to meet Fred, whether he's dead or alive." Harry nodded slowly.
      "Oh, poor Georgie." I shook my head, "I think about Fred a lot."
      "I know." Ginny said, "I do two."
      "What about Ron and Hermione? How are they?"
      "They're okay I think." Harry said, "We haven't talked in a while."
      "Well, at least were all together." I said shrugging.
      "Forever." Ginny said.
      I looked out the window, "Oh my God," I stood up, "Neville just threw James into the compost."

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