Chapter 10- Date Night

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      I looked through all of my nice clothes until I found an outfit.
      I picked out a black, knee-length dress. It was spaghetti strapped. It's a black dress with a bunch of yellow Sunflowers.
      I changed out of my clothes and into the dress. I looked at my shoes and chose two pairs. Both of them are black. One pair are flats, and the other are heels.
      "Hey." I turn around and Hermione was standing behind me.
      "Hermione." I felt relieved that she's talking to me, "Look, I'm not sure why you're mad at me, but I'm sorry."
      "You look perfect." She said, "And I forgive you."
      "What?" I ask.
      "For tonight, with Neville. You look perfect."
      "How do you know about tonight?" I asked her, truly curious.
      "He told me all about your date." She sighed, "Y/n, he's crazy about you."
      "Crazy? About me?" I asked, suddenly grinning.
      "Yeah." She nodded.
      I giggled, "Oh, which pair of shoes should I wear?" I modeled the shoes for her.
      "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
      "Trust me. Go barefoot." She took the shoes from me.
      "Okay." I said, "Hair up or down?"
      "Up." She told me.
      So I put my hair up in a messy bun. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, Neville walked up the stairs carrying my homework.
      "Wow." He whispered.
      I watched him set the homework on my bed, not taking his eyes off of me.
      He was wearing some nice pants and a striped sweater. It was adorable.
      "Y-You look amazing." He told me.
      I smiled and blushed at the same time, "Thank you."
      He grabbed my hand and brought be downstairs, "Have fun!" Hermione yelled after us.
      We exited the Common Room and Neville pulled out a bandana, "Can I blindfold you?"
      "Yeah." I told him.
      He gently wrapped the bandana around my head and tied it in the back. It was dark, but I wasn't scared because I trusted him.
      He picked up my hand and led me wherever he needed to lead me. I could feel that he brought me outside because the temperature changed.
      We walked for a little bit, "Careful." He told me, "Ready?"
      "Ready." I smiled before he even took the blindfold off.
      He took the bandana off of my head and I was shocked. We were in the Quidditch field. There was a blanket laid out on the grass. All of my favorite foods were set on the blanket. Next to the blanket was a CD player.
      "Nev, where did you get a CD player? Isn't that a Muggle thing?" I asked.
      He shrugged, "I w-went to Hogsmeade today. There's a lot of s-stuff there."
      I giggled, "I bet there is. How did you know my favorite foods?"
      "Well, I've known y-you for a w-while." He smiled.
      He sat down on the blanket, still holding onto my hand. I sat down next to him and we ate for a few minutes.
      "I h-have something for you." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small box.
      He handed it to me and I opened it. Inside was a small, but beautiful Sunflower necklace.
      "Oh my God, Neville. This is beautiful. Where did you get it?"
      "Hogsmeade." He quickly replied, "W-Will you wear it?"
      "All day every day." I tell him.
      He took the necklace out and clipped it around my neck, "You look even more beautiful than you were before."
      "Neville, can I ask you something?" I asked.
      "Sure." He smiled, "Ask away."
      "Have you always stuttered?" I asked.
      He chuckled, "Um, no, I only stutter when I'm around you. B-Because I'm nervous that I'm gonna m-make you upset or do s-something wrong."
      I smiled, "There aren't many things that will make me upset. Just take a deep breath. You don't need to be nervous around me."
      "Last night told me otherwise." He laughed and I laughed along with him.
      "That's fair." I nodded.
      He smiled, "So, I was reading books in the Muggle section of the library."
      "Yeah?" I asked.
      "Well, because of, um, you and your parents and stuff like that."
      "I found a Muggle song that I like a lot, and I think that you'll like it a lot."
      "What is it?" I asked him.
      He took his shoes off so he was also barefoot, "Um, it's called, 'Perfect' by somebody named Ed Sheeran or something like that."
      "I do like that song." I tell him.
      He stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me to my feet. He reached down and started the song.
      We intertwined our finger on my right hand and his left. I put my left hand on his shoulder, and he put his right hand on my back. I set my head on his shoulder.
      We danced. Barefoot in the grass just like the song says. We swayed back and forth, spinning in circles.
      When the song finished, a new one played.
      I brought my head up so I could make eye contact with him, " 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley?"
      "Sure." He laughed.
      I giggled and put my head back on his shoulder.
      No song played after that one finished, "Thank you." I whispered.
      "For what?"
      "For everything." I told him.
      He pulled away from me and let go of my hand, "This is gonna sound weird..."
      "Go on."
      "But I want to make sure that you're comfortable." He looked at me.
      "I am comfortable." I reassure him.
      "No, um, that's not what I meant." He shook his head.
      "What did you mean?" I asked.
      He looked me in the eye, "Can, can I, um, can I kiss you?"
      I tilted my head back and laughed really hard, "Yes, you can kiss me, Neville."
      "I can?"
      I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I grabbed his face and planted on right on his lips. We I stepped back I through my hands in the air, "Yes, you can, Nev."
      He blushed and grabbed my hand, spinning me around. He pulled me close and lightly kissed me again.
      "So, I have a question." He said to me.
      "Ask away." I told him.
      "So, does this mean that we're, um-"
      "Dating?" I asked him.
      "Yeah." He nodded awkwardly.
      "Only if that's what you want it to mean." I smile.
      "Well, then I guess we're dating." He smiled.
      "Neville Longbottom, you are way more brave and outgoing than I thought." I admit to him.
      He laughed, "I could say the same thing about you."
      I smiled, "Do you wanna head back for the night?"
      He nodded.
      "Okay." I reached down and grabbed his shoes.
      Holding hands, we ran back to the school. It was late after we were supposed to be in bed, so we stayed quiet. We entered the castle and ran up to the Common Room.
      "Caput Draconis." I whispered, the Fat Lady let us in.
      As soon as we stepped in, all of our friends were sitting in the Common Room.
      The twins were sitting on the couch, Hermione and Ginny were sitting on the floor, and both Dean and Seamus were sitting at one of the tables.
      Both Neville and I blushed and separated our hands.
      "How long have you guys been waiting for us?" I ask everybody.
      "A while." They all said.
      Neville and I looked at each other and just laughed.

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