Chapter 4- The Great Hall

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      The twins and I walked down the long aisle and stopped when we got to the end. They sat down, but I went around the edge of the table and sat across from them.
      "You need to stop using that map." I told them.
      They both smiled and raised their eyebrows, "What map?"
      I roll my eyes and shake my head, "I don't know." I go along with them.
      I look to my right and see Neville walking through the door. I was going to call him over, but Professor McGonagall made her way over to my seat.
      "Y/n, where are your shoes and your robe?" She asked, her face stern like always.
      Panicking, I put my robe on and slip my feet into my shoes, "I don't know what you're talking about, Professor."
      "Don't let it happen again."
      I turned my head back into Neville's direction, but I saw that he was sitting with Seamus and Dean.
      "We heard that you smelled the love potion." George said, "What did you smell?"
      I looked at both of them. They were leaning in, eyes wide, "Um, Mandrakes, lemons, and potting soil."
      They both look at each other and then back at me, "Do you know who that sounds like?" Fred asked.
      "Neville." They both said at the same time.
      I throw my hands up in the air, "Shh, be quiet! He might hear you."
      I put my arms on the table and looked at Neville again. To my surprise, he was looking right back at me. I looked away and ducked my head into my arms, blushing like crazy.
      The twins laugh, "Hey, lover boy!" They yelled at Neville.
      Suddenly, the feast began and the food appeared on the table. I grabbed a lemon from the fruit bowl and threw it at them, "Shut. Up."
      They both winked, and then Fred said, "A lemon, huh?"
      "How symbolic." George finished.
      "You guys are ridiculous." I tell them, reaching for a dinner roll.
      I looked at Neville again and we made eye contact. He instantly broke the contact. I wonder if I triggered something. I wonder if what I brought up at the lake was something that ruined Nev's perspective of me.
      "If everybody could please stay silent for the following announcements, that would be highly appreciated." Dumbledore yelled to the students.
      We all quieted down and watched the woman in pink walk up and next to Dumbledore, "As you know," she said in her high pitched voice, "the OWLs are tomorrow, and the Herbology exam is the next day."
      "Rubbish." The twins whispered under their breaths.
      "That is all." She said, going back to her seat.
      We all turned back into our meals, "I'm going to fail both." I said.
      The twins smiled at me, "What if you only have to take one?"
      I tilt my head at them, "No. No! I'm not going to do a prank with you, and then get detention from Umbridge."
      "What if we told you the prank is going to get rid of Umbridge?" They asked me.
      Hermione added herself to the conversation, "It's not going to work."
      "And why's that, Granger?" They asked. That phrase has been asked far too many times.
      She rolled her eyes, "With the types of pranks that you two dimwits play, you need to do something that is far more worse and exciting."
      "Perfect." They said. They turned back to me, "Are you in?"
      I couldn't keep a straight face, "Fine. Just this one time. If you get me in trouble, you two owe me something."
      "What do we owe you?" They said, knowing that we're most likely already in trouble.
      "I'm not sure yet."

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