Chapter 16- The Hospital Wing

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I tried opening my eyes. I could feel a soft hand grabbing hold of mine. I opened my eyes, looking at the ceiling.
I turned my head to the right and saw Neville. His eyes were closed, but I could see that they were red and puffy. He was using his left hand to hold his head up, and his right hand to hold mine. By the looks of it, he was sleeping.
      "Neville." I said. My voice was quiet and hoarse, a sign that I haven't used it in a while.
      He shifted and rubbed him eyes with his open hand. He looked at me and smiled, "Y/n."
      I smile and look around the room, "What happened?"
      He cleared his throat, "Well, one of the Slytherin players knocked you off of your broom, and then you got hit in the stomach by a Bludger."
      "Yeah, I can still feel it." I nodded, "How long have I been out for?"
      He tilted his head back and forth, "About three to four days."
      "Oh my God."
      He nodded, "The team's been worried sick about you. Along with everybody else."
      "Does that include you?" I asked.
      He slightly smiled, "Yeah, um, I've been here with you this entire time. I haven't been to a single class."
      He can see the worry in my eyes, "No, it's alright. The Professors let me go. Well, all but one."
      "Umbridge." I said, already knowing.
      "Yep." He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb, "I have three days worth of detention later during lunch."
      "No." I sit up, shaking my head, "She can't punish you for worrying."
      "Calm down and relax. I'll be fine." He stood up, "I'm just glad that you're okay. I'm going to go get Madam Pomfrey." He leaned over and kissed my forehead, "I'll be right back, Sunflower."
      He let go of my hand and left the Wing. I looked around my bed and saw all sorts of flowers and candies.
      "Y/n." I heard from the door.
      I looked over and saw the team, Hermione, Ron, Dean, Seamus, and Ginny running towards me.
      "Hey." I said. I moved my left arm, "BLOODY HELL!"
      My arm just shot into a million fractions of pain.
      "What's wrong?" Ginny asked.
      "My arm." I relaxed it, but it still hurt. I looked around at them, "Where's Neville?"
      "As soon as we saw him, we knew that you were up." Hermione said.
      "He hasn't been out of this room for days." George said.
      "We had to bring his food for him." Fred informed me.
      "That doesn't answer my question." I told them.
      "He's still getting Pomfrey." Wood explained.
      "Thank you, Oliver." That's the first time that I've used his first name in years.
      "Speaking of Neville." The twins said.
      I looked at everybody confused, "What about him?"
      George smiled, "I know that you heard what he said out on the field, Darling."
      "I'm her boufriend!"
      It replayed in my mind, "Yeah, so?"
      "That doesn't bother you?" Ron asked.
      I looked at him, "What doesn't bother me?"
      "The fact that he called himself your boyfriend." Ginny said.
      I shook my head, "No, he was trying to get to me, that's all."
      Harry shrugged. Angelina looked at me, "Would it bother you if he called you his girlfriend after getting to you?"
      "No. Why? Is that what he did?" I asked.
      "Um, yeah." Wood said, curling his lips in.
      "After you passed out, he ran to you because they finally let him through. When we told him to stay back a little bit so we could carry you here, he said-" Harry was interrupted.
      "He said, 'She's my girlfriend. I need to be by her and know that she's okay.' In those exact words." Hermione said.
      "Those exact words?" I asked, getting the good kind of butterflies in my stomach.
      "Yes-" George was gonna continue, but everybody went quiet when Neville and Madam Pomfrey walked through the door.
      "Y/n, how are you feeling?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
      I shrugged with my right shoulder, "I'm okay. My left arm hurts, though."
      "That's because you broke it." She handed me a cup with something in it, "Bottoms up."
      I downed the liquid and nearly puked it back up, "Oh my God." I managed to say,
      "What did you expect?" He huffed, taking the cup, "Pumpkin juice?"
      Harry laughed as he experienced the same thing.
      "We should go." Hermione said.
      All of them turned and left, except for Neville.
      "Neville." I said. I may or may not be opening the can of worms.
      "Yes, Sunflower?" He asked, sitting by my side again.
      I cleared my throat, "So, I heard that you said something on the field."
      He gulped, "Um, y-yeah. I d-did."
      "Stop stuttering." I told him, "It's okay. I'm not upset with you."
      "Y-You're not?" He asked.
      "No." I laughed, "Of course not. If that's what you're comfortable with, then that's what you're comfortable with."
      He smiled, "Okay, Sunshine. I have to go."
      He stood up and walked through the room.
      "Neville." I said louder.
      When he ignored me, he got to my dark side, "Neville Longbottom!"
      He froze and turned to look at me.
      "You are not going to detention." I paused, "At least not alone."
      "Y/n, no." He shook his head, "You're not getting hurt over my rule breaking."
      "Yes I am." I stood up, somehow, my arm felt a lot better. The floor was cold on my feet.
      He sighed, tapping his foot, "Don't do this. Get some rest."
      "I've been resting for three days, Nev." I walked up to his and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers, "We're going together."

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