Chapter 15- Quidditch

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      We're standing underneath the stands, waiting for everybody on the team to arrive.
      "Alright." Wood said, fixing his Quidditch uniform's sleeve, "I'm here. Where's the Seeker?" He asked.
      It had just occurred to me that when Wood checks to see that everybody is there, he calls us by our positions instead of our names.
      "I'm here." Harry said, moving through our teammates.
      Oliver nodded, "Chasers." He said.
      Angelina, Katie, and I raise our hands, "Here." We all said.
      "And lastly, our Beaters."
      The twins came toppling over everybody, "Here." They said.
      "Great. Let's get into positions." Wood said.
      He's never been the type to pep-talk before the game.
      We all huddled up with our brooms and waited.
      "Today," Lee began, "the match is Gryffindor,"
      Our team flooded out and into the field, people cheering from all around.
      "against Slytherin." Lee finished.
      The Slytherin team slithered their way onto the field as well.
      We all got into starting positions. We all closed our eyes as Madam Hooch released the golden Snitch.
      "The Snitch has been released." Lee announced.
      Madam Hooch placed the Quaffle and Bludger in the center of the field.
      "Ready!" Madam Hooch yelled up at us.
      We all opened our eyes. I made eye contact with Malfoy, who raised his eyebrows at me. I narrowed my eyes back at him.
      We all got ready and determined, "Brooms up!" Madam Hooch called.
      "And the game's begun!" Lee yelled through the overly loud microphone.
      Angelina grabbed the Quaffle and off we went. Flint rammed himself against her. She through the ball and I caught it, speeding towards the hoops.
      Pucey then flew over to me, but I dove down below him. I threw the ball and made it through the shortest hoop.
      Lots of yelling and screaming came from the stands.
      One of the Bludgers flew right over my head, George hitting it the opposite direction.
      "Ten points to Gryffindor!" Lee shouted.
      Suddenly, Harry and Malfoy zoomed right past me, chasing the Snitch.
      I flew as fast as I could to Warrington, who had hold of the ball. I rammed into him, causing him to drop the Quaffle.
      Katie dove down and caught it, sharply turning around. She raced past everyone of scored.
      "Another ten points to Gryffindor!" Lee changed the score.
      I watched Flint grab the Quaffle and fly. I chased after him, but I could catch up to him.
      I reached my hand out at him, but suddenly, Montague flew straight into my side, knocking me off of my broom.
      I fell to the ground, landing on my back. I couldn't move as I had just gotten the wind knocked out of me. There were lots of noises around me, my head suddenly began to hurt.
      There were lots of Oos. Happening from the stands.
      I looked straight above me, a Bludger was speeding straight towards my body. I tried to move, but I couldn't. The ball slammed straight into my stomach.
      It flew up again, then came back down. Before the Bludger could hit me again, Fred flew in and caught the ball, basically tackling it to the ground.
      I felt dizzy. I could barely see what was happening. I felt like I was going to puke, my arm was throbbing. I was getting random heat-flashes.
      "Y/n!" George and Harry ran to me from their brooms.
      George grabbed my shoulder, "It's okay, we're gonna get you to the Hospital Wing."
      "It's okay, y/n. You're okay." Harry assured me.
      In the distance, I heard a voice, but it wasn't as calm and sweet as it usually is, "Let me through!"
      I very slowly turned my head. My vision was darkening around the edges.
      I could see Madam Hooch running to me as Dumbledore and McGonagall were holding somebody back.
      "Let me through!" The voice yelled again, "Let me through, now!"
      Before I closed my eyes, I heard one last sentence come from the voice:
      "I'm her boyfriend!"

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