Chapter 14- Healing

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      I led the twins down to the greenhouse. I opened the door and Professor Sprout was standing right in front of us.
      "Professor Sprout." I cleared my throat, "Um, we'll be on our way." I turned around to leave but she stopped me.
      "How can I help you?" She asked.
      I smiled awkwardly, "We need some Dittany, please."
      She stepped aside so we could go in, "Why didn't you go to the Hospital Wing?"
      I shrugged, "I guess that this was the first place that came to mind."
      The twins and I walked over to the Dittany. They just stood there awkwardly.
      "Set your hands on the table." I told them, just like Neville had told me.
      They both set their right hands on the table.
      "Other hand." I said.
      They fixed their mistake as I broke a leaf off of the stem.
      "This may sting a little." I warned them.
      I dropped some liquid onto George's hand and he flinched. I moved over to Fred as George's hand healed within seconds.
      I put some Dittany on Fred's hand. I could tell that it stung a little, but he didn't want to show it.
      "Perfect." Professor Sprout said from behind us, "I'm gonna go to lunch, but I believe that you three have a Quidditch match, so you go get ready."
      "Thank you, Professor." I said, nodding to her as she left the greenhouse.
      I turned back to the twins, "You're all healed."
      "What is this stuff called?" Fred asked, pointing to the plant in my hands.
      "Dittany." I answered, "It's a useful plant, so if I catch either of you using it for a prank, I will end both of you."
      They both gulped, "Yes ma'am." They stormed out of the greenhouse.
      I laughed as I set the plant back into the pot. I clapped my hands together and wiped them on my sweater.
      I turned around towards the door and nearly punched Neville in the face, "Blimey, Nev. You scared me."
      He looked back and forth, "Sorry."
      I smiled, "It's okay, just, maybe stay back a few feet and then say my name next time."
      He nodded, "Yeah, um, you're playing against Slytherin, right?"
      "Yeah." I nod.
      "Right. So, I know that Malfoy is on that team, and I also know that he's still very mad at you." He fiddled with his thumbs.
      "Is something wrong?" I ask.
      He stopped fiddling, "No. I just want you to be careful. You and I both know that Quidditch can be a brutal game and-"
      I grabbed his hand, "Neville, it's fine. I'll be careful, I promise."
      "Okay." He took a deep breath, "Thank you."
      I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "I have to go now, but I'll come to see you after the game."
      He nodded rapidly and I left the greenhouse.
      "Please be okay." I heard him say through the greenhouse walls.
      "Please be okay."

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