Chapter 17- Detention

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      Neville and I walk through the halls. I'm aware that I'm currently wearing sweatpants, any-shirt, and I'm barefoot, but I don't care.
      We go to Umbridge's office. Neville knocks on the door.
      "Come in." A muffled voice comes from inside the room.
      I open the door and we walk in, still hand in hand.
      "Y/n." She stood up, "You shouldn't be here."
      "Neither should you but yet here we are." I shrug.
      Her jaw dropped all the way to the floor, "I beg your pardon."
      "Beg all you want, it's not going to get rid of me." I let go of Neville's hand, "You can't give Neville detention for caring about someone."
      "Sure I can." She smiled, "I have the authority."
      I knocked on her desk and grabbed one of her quills, "Fair enough." I sat down.
      "What are you doing?" She asked.
      Neville just stood there behind me, "I'm taking Neville's spot as I am the reason that he's in this position. If you refuse, I will go have a visit with Dumbledore without hesitation."
      I turned to look at him, "Neville. I am doing this and you are not stopping me."
      I nodded, "You're right. I'm not stopping you. I'm doing it with you."
      He says down next to me and grabbed a quill, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
      "As long as it means we're doing it together." He smiled.
      We both grabbed random pieces of paper from the desk and began writing, 'I shall not skip class'.
      As the words dug into my skin, I flinched. When it began with Neville, he winced and it pained me.
      I looked at him, sitting to the left of me. I looked at his open right hand, being carved into. Remembering that he is left-handed, I grabbed onto his right hand and smiled.
      "It's okay." I whispered.
      He looked at me and smiled.

      After half an hour had passed, we let go of the quills and left. I held up our hands, looking at our cuts.
      "Do you wanna go to the greenhouse?" I asked him.
      He shook his head, "Our scars show us where we've been, not where we're going."
      I looked at him and smiled, "Are we going together?"

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