Chapter 2- Potions Class

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      I enter the Potions room and see that all of my classmates are already in their seats. Everybody who is supposed to be here is here except for Professor Snape.
      "Y/n!" Ginny yelled my name for the entire class to hear, "Come, sit." She told me, tapping the seat to the right of her.
      I slowly walk through the classroom and sit next to her at the round, wooden table, "Hey, Ginny."
      She grabs my Gryffindor robe, "Where have you been?" She asked me. At this moment, she sounded exactly like her mother.
      I widen my eyes, "I was in the library, studying." I told her truthfully.
      She smiled, "Oh. I thought you were God-knows-where with the twins, pulling a prank on Umbridge."
      I roll my eyes, "I am not allowing her to carve into my hand." I shake my head.
      There's a loud pound in the back to the room by the door. Everybody turns their bodies to look at Snape who was storming through the room. His black hair was slightly bouncing up and down against his shoulders. His cape was waving far behind him.
      "Silence!" He yelled in his eerily deep voice. There wasn't a single sound coming from anybody, "Who can tell me what Amortentia is?"
      Expectantly, Hermione quickly shot her hand up in the air, "Miss Granger." Snape sighed.
      Hermione put her hand back down, "Amortentia is a love potion that causes a powerful obsession to the drinker."
      Ron rolled his eyes, "Bloody hell, 'Mione."
      "Very well." Snape spit out slowly. He grabbed the lid to a mini cauldron in front of him, "Inside this is Amortentia. If I call on you, smell it."
      Smell it?
      "Y/l/n." Snape called on me. He pulled the lid off of the cauldron. I watched as a blue and green smoke emerged.
      I leaned in and smelt the potion. It smelled good, appealing. I took a deep breath, taking in the scent.
      "What do you smell?" Snape asked.
      I looked up at him, "Um, potting soil, lemons, and Mandrake juice?" I questioned the last one.
      Ginny looked at me, "I wonder who that could be."
      Snape closed the cauldron, trapping the scents inside, "I don't know." I tell her.

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