Chapter 6- OWLs

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      I'm about to enter the empty Great Hall for the OWLs, but somebody grabs my arm.
      They spin me around and I see the twins with their crooked smiles, "What?" I asked.
      Fred looked around as kids walked past us and into the room, "Come on."
      I turn around and look into the room, "Now?"
      "Yes, now." George said, "Come on."
      "Fine." I followed them through the hall and into a small place where nobody was.
      "So," Fred started, "first, you and George are going to pound on the door about four times."
      "Then Freddie will put the mini firework in front of Umbridge's nose."
      "Then I will send it into the room and make them go off." Fred said.
      George smiled, "That's when all three of us fly into the room."
      Fred looked at me, "Y/n, that's when you make all of the papers fly up and into the air."
      "Okay." I said.
      George looked around, "While you do that, Fred and I will send even more fireworks into the air."
      "Okay, question." I said, "Can we make a small firework chase Malfoy?"
      At the same time they said, "I like the way you think."
      They both smiled wide as George continued, "And for the finale, we'll all throw fireworks into the air."
      "Which will turn into a firework dragon." Fred said.
      It went back to George, "Which will chase Umbridge."
      "Which will knock all of her idiotic rules off that wall." They both said at the same time.
      "And then we'll fly out of the room and into the Courtyard."
      "Where we'll set off even more fireworks." George said.
      "Yes." I nod, "Let's do this."
      "That's our girl." They said at the same time. Fred grabbed a broom and handed it to me.
      "You ready?" George asked.
      "More than ready."

      We're hovering by the door, George is on the left side, and I'm on the right side. Fred is above the door.
      "Go." Fred whispered.
      George and I hit the door once. We waited a minute, then hit it again.
      "Again." Fred whispered.
      I felt the adrenaline rush through me as we hit the door for a third time. We waited another moment, and pounded on the door one last time.
      Umbridge opened the door and looked to her left, and then her right. Fred used his want to direct a firework right in front of her nose.
      He sent the firework in and when it exploded, that's when we all flew into the room. I used my wand to send everybody's papers flying.
      I looked down and say everybody's confused and excited faces as the twins and I flew through the room.
      The twins threw fireworks into the air and they exploded. Everybody started cheering.
      It felt good to break the rules for once. To feel my hair dancing around my head as I glide through the air.
      The twins went to the other side of the room, closest to the door. I stayed on the opposite side. We flew towards each other, Fred to my left, George to my right, and I was in the middle. I stuck my hands out, and they both high-fived me at the same time.
      "Go, y/n!" They yelled.
      I grabbed my wand and made a firework chase Malfoy around the room. He ran and stopped next to a wall, but he dodged the firework just in time. The firework slammed into the wall and created and imprint of Malfoy face.
      George, Fred, and I all grabbed onto three separate fireworks.
      "Ready when you are!" All three of us yelled at each other.
      When all of us threw our fireworks in the air, they joined together and created a dragon. The dragon chased Umbridge out of the room. As soon as Umbridge left the room, the mouth of the dragon closed, sending a bunch of different fireworks at the framed rules on the wall. They all tumbled down and broke against the floor.
      Together, Fred, George, and I all flew out of the room and out into the sky above the Courtyard. Other students fled out of the castle and cheered.
      We set off more fireworks, then flew to the back of the castle. We gently landed on the grass and dropped the brooms.
      "That was awesome!" I yelled.
      George fist-bumped me, "You should do more pranks with us."
      "Totally." Fred said.
      "Maybe." I shrug.
      We all laughed as we walked back into the castle. We marched through the halls and made our way to the Courtyard to reunite ourselves with our classmates.
      Before we made it there, someone stopped us, "Weasleys. Y/l/n."
      All three of us stopped and slowly turned around. Filch was stomping towards us, he looked angry but happy at the same time.
      "Professor Umbridge will be pleased to see you." He grinned, showing us his disgusting teeth.
      We all sighed and turned around, Filch leading us to Umbridge.
      We were uncomfortably greeted by Umbridge, "Children."
      Her hair was all messed up, and her pink clothes now looked red. Her face had what looked like dirt smeared all over.
      "Detention. For all of you. Right now." She said through her teeth.
      We followed her into her office. I gagged at the pink walls, and pictures of cats everywhere.
      She made us all sit at her desk, "With my quills, you will all right, 'I mustn't do pranks'."
      "How many times?" I asked.
      "Until it sinks in." She responded slowly.
      I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the pain.
      I mustn't do pranks.
      Nothing happened.
      I mustn't do pranks.
      Something happened. The words started carving into my left hand, the words were in my handwriting. I winced at the pain, shortly after, the twins did as well.
      I looked up at the twins, my left hand shaking in pain.
      "Write." She scolded me.
      I have written the sentence at least twenty times. I'm starving as we missed lunch.
      Every time I write the sentence, it carves even deeper into the back of my hand. I looked at the words, blood seeping out of them.
      "Has it sunk in yet?" She asked us.
      "Yes." We all answered at the same time.
      We all stood up and left the room. I speed walked away from the twins.
      "Y/n, wait." George said.
      When I didn't listen, Fred tried, "Y/n."
      I couldn't let them see me cry from the pain. I walked far ahead of them even though we were all going to the same place.
      The room of requirement.

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