Chelsea VII

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We headed to get this thing called the athena Parthenon. Annabeth chose to go by herself. The place she was at was unstable and she almost fell to her death. Percy tried to save her but fell into Tartarus with her. Nico, my brother came and agreed to lead us to the Doors of Death to save percy and annabeth. Everyone for the first couple of days was silent. No one wanted to talk to eachother and some wanted to cry or feel angry. But for me, I didn't feel to urge to cry or to get mad. I wanted to save them and move on. Anyways, during this trip while nico was here, he helped me train. Great. Like he knows what is happening. I haven't spoke with leo in a while. All this training is malign me super busy. I finally get a day off and I want to spend it with leo. Leo takes me somewhere. (Nighttime) the stables he owns up a window thing at the bottom, traveling a beach with a beautiful scenery. The window starts to open and I feel the night time breeze. He jumps down and of course I'm scared. "Come one you pansy, I'll catch you promise" Leo says. "Your serious?" I ask. "Very" Leo says. I jump down and keep my eyes shut. When I feel I'm not falling anymore I lift one eyes open revealing Leo's face. I slowly look around. Leo had his arms wrapped around me. He lets me down soon enough. I look around to see the beautiful scenery. I look at myself. White short- shorts, white hightop converse, and a sky blue v neck. My hair is let down with all its glory. My straight hair with my tips dyed red into a ombré thing. My hair goes down to my waist. I look over at Leo. He's wearing a shirt with no oil or grease stains, some shorts and his nikes. I sit down on the sand with Leo accompanying me. He puts one arms around me. "Chels? Can, I-I ask you a question?" Leo asks. "Okay shoot" I say. "Will, you go out with me?" He asks. I stare at him. He has so much worry in his eyes. "Nevermind" he says. "No, I'd love to" I say. "Really?" He asks. "Dead serious" I say. He hugs me. "Tomorrow 5pm don't be late" Leo says. I take off my shoes and walk towards the water. My feet soak in the water. I always get a weird feeling about being in posiedens territory but this was different. I was thinking. I felt like my brain was over heating. Leo just asked me out and I said yes. I would never think that in a thousand years. We're complete opposites and somehow we end up together. Who knows after our first date Leo will never want to see me again. Maybe our date will go horrible or maybe just perfect. I don't know, I'll let Aphrodite decide. Someone pushes me, Leo. I fall into the water. I get up off the water take some watery sand and chuck it at him. I feel an urge to laugh, in which I did. Then I get water sand all over me. I stop laughing. I look over at him, he was laughing. I stared at him. He stops laughing. What he didn't know that I had sand in my hand, watery sand. I threw it at him. "Idiot" I say. "Okay,okay you got me you win" he says. He comes closer to me. "I want a hug" he says. "No thanks" I say as I look at sand all over his body. "Come on, nothing special just for my friend" he says. I run hoping to get aboard the Argo before he can hug me but I fail. He hugs me. "Seriously?" I say but then mutter, "idiot". He gives me a kiss on the cheek and helps me up the Argo. When we are on the Argo we race to the bathroom. Of course I threw him off his game and won. I took a quick shower, got into pjs and got out. Nico comes into my cabin. "May I speak to you?" He asks. "Yeah sure" I say. He gestures out the door so I walk out the door. "Look I know something's going on with you and Leo" he says. "Yeah a little bit why?" I ask. "I told you not to"
He says. "Why?" I say. "You are very powerful chelsea, powerful than any of these people. If you emotions get out of hand so will your powers. You have many powers and I don't know exactly what they are yet. And if you lose Leo or you loose someone of this ship and you feel horrible angry or anything that will not be helpful in any way." He says. "I'll be careful" I say. " you don't get it do you? You can't control it, it's going to happen." He says. "No it won't. I am tired I'm going to sleep bye" I say. Before nico can say anything I shut the door and sit in the bed. "What was that about" leo asks. "Over protective brother" I say. "Don't worry your in good hands"he says as he takes my hand. I smile. He brings me dow onto the bed and wraps me in his arms where I fall asleep.

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