Chelsea XXII

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The time came, end of summer. You had To say goodbye to your best friends, Percy and Annabeth. I hugged them and wished them good luck. "Bye" I say. They wave and leave, with mrs. Jackson or mrs. Blofish. She was nice she said hi to us. She stalled of course. Percy got really impatient and made her leave. Chiron almost ran after them, but not for what you're thinking. "Frank, hazel, jason, Piper, leo, and chelsea come here quickly" Chiron says. "The gods wish to see you. Go to Olympus now" he says. "We take a car to go to Olypmus I drove because I had my license. Once we go there. "500th floor please" I say. We go up to the floor and go to mount Olympus. Percy and annabeth were already there. "Children come" Zeus says. "You have done us great things. You saved mount Olympus twice and we didn't thank you enough for it. You all will get a reward" he says. "Jason grace please come forward" he says. "Jason, my only son. I must not favor you. For you, you have the chance to live with your father, become immortal" he says. "Father I can't. I have friends and family" he says. "Then you will be granted a happy life with your friends and family." He says. Jason nods. "Chelsea, come forward" hades says. "I will give you your knowledge to all the powers you have. I will strengthen them too" he says. "Thank you father" I say. He holds his hand out and something fills me. "For the most powerful demigod" hades whispers. Athena stares at him. "Hades that is not true!" She says. "It is and I will prove it to you" he says. "Demonstrate." I extend my hands. Rapid winds are around me, around everyone. It almost knocks then off their feet. Stronger. They start to stumble. Stronger. They fall. My hair whips around. People cover their necks with their hands. They start to choke I stop there. I couldn't have then choke to death. "Why did you stop?" Hades asks. "I didn't want to kill my friends father" I say. "Loyal too" athena says. "Very well." He says. I back up to the rest of my friends. Leo is staring at me. "Wow princess that was, weird. But a good weird" he says. My father looked at me. He is smiling At me. Like I've done something good. Maybe he's just proud. Everyone got called up one by one. Everyone got their rewards. They had a a dinner table set up for all the gods and us. I wouldn't really call it dinner party. It was more like a party- party. Dancing,music,balloons, disco ball, a dj, like what? I don't know but it made me laugh. The gods we sitting and standing up. Aphrodite was dancing and some others. Some were standing, laughing at the gods on the dance floor. Leo comes up to me. He extends his hand and says, "my lady, may I have this dance?" I look over at my father. He nods his head and i say, "yes". I put my hand in his and he drags me toward the dance floor. He starts to dance, obviously did not do that very often. I start to laugh. "Let's see you do better" he says. "Nope can't dance" I say. Then a slow dance comes on. "This is easy Come here" he says. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. We dance until the song ends and I get off the stage, leo well, he stayed. He wanted me to go a couple times but I wouldn't. "Are you" hades starts to say. "Yes father" I say."be careful chelsea" he says. "Why does everyone say that?" I ask. "You are very powerful. One thing that sets you off and your powers go mad" he says. "I'll be careful" I say. "I know you will. But when a time comes you might not be able to" he says. He leaves. When he time comes. When? That I do not know. (Two hours later)
After that we all decided to go back to camp even percy and annabeth. Said kissed leo and went to the hades cabin with hazel. We immediately fell asleep.
*screaming* "help!!" Someone says. The person runs into the woods. Is that? Me? There's something behind me. A bull? No a Minotaur. It's chasing me. Then i see Leo. He's bleeding and it looks like he's knocked out. I'm running in the woods with the Minotaur on my back. I run, run, run. I finally run into Camp Half Blood. Some people help me. I catch a breath and by the time I do the Minotaur is dead. "Leo...... In the woods..... Help now" I half yell. I follow them, me infront. Then i see him. "Leo!" I yell. I fall into my knees. I cup his cheeks into my hands. "Leo" I whisper. "Princess" he whispers. I smile. I kiss him. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I say. Then he closes his eyes and his head sinks. "Leo" I say. I shake him, nothing. "Leo!" I half yell. "LEO" I yell. Nothing. I start to cry. "This is my fault" I say while sobbing. A hand is placed on my shoulder. "It is not your fault" Luke says. I get up and look at him. He wraps me in his arms. While I sob. They take leo away. They want to try to save Him while he can. I don't think he will live. (End of dream)

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