Leo XX

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(2 months later)
Im on festus with calypso. We are going to Camp Half-Blood. (2 hours later) we arrived at Camp Half-Blood everyone awestruck at the sight. "Leo!" Jason screams along with Piper. They both hug me at the same time. Hazel and Frank join us after that. They all laughed and even cried with tears of joy. "Where's chelsea?" I ask. That question was answered immediately after I asked that. "LEO!!!" I hear her scream. She's running to me. I run to her. We lock into each other's arms. She starts to cry. "Leo. I thought you were dead!" She says. "I kinda did but I took that physicians cure Piper conned a guy into giving us." I say. "I thought you died and I was going to have to live my life in regret!" She says. "It was not your fault. It was whoever blasted me out of the sky" I say. She looks up at me. Tears streaming down her face. I wipe them and kiss her. She kisses back. "I'm available now" she says while laughing. "Will you, chelsea carter, be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Yes!" She says. She buried her face into my chest and starts to cry even more. People start to pay my back and say, "glad your back". Chelsea kissed me and left to go talk with Frank about something she didn't tell me about. Nico comes up to me. "You be good to my sister okay?" He asks. To tell you the truth, nico scared the hades out of me. "Don't worry I will." I say. "She really loves you, you know. She thought it was all her fault you died. She wouldn't talk to nobody, refused to eat. She really cares about you." He says. "I love her too. She's amazing. I would have done the same if she died" I say. "Good." He says. He then leaves. "Dude lets go to this rockin part at the Hermes cabin" jason says. "Yeah hold on let me get changed" I say. I get into a flannel t shirt and some jeans and go to the Hermes cabin. "Leo!" Everybody shouts. I give them a smile. "The entertainment has arrived!" I yell. They go back to their dancing. "Tough crowd" I mumble to myself. Then someone takes my hand, chelsea. "Hey hot stuff" I say. "Hey princess" I say. I kiss her and she pulls me to the drinks. We see Luke. "Heeeeyyyyyyy Luke" I say. "What do you want?" He says meanly. "Well sorry" I say. "Hey chelsea what do you want?" Luke says to her nicely. "Two drinks please?" She asks. He gives her two drinks. "We should hangout sometime" he says. "Sorry she will be busy, hanging out with me" I say. "Too bad she can make time for me" he says. "She can't. She's not yours" I say. "She can be. I just need to get rid of you" he says. "Come at me bro!" I say. Jason comes in the middle. "Knock it off you two! Have fun this is a party!" He says. "Whatever." I say. I take Chelsea's hand. I lead her out of the party and head to he beach instead. "I can't take that Luke guy" I say. "He's not In the happiest mood after I dumped him for you................" She says. "Well too bad. At least your mine now" I say twirling her. She laughs. I lean in for a kiss. She kisses me back. She takes off her shoes and runs into the water. She dived in the water. I did the same thing. I took off my shirt, pants and shoes, only my boxers were on. She starts to laugh. "I haven't laughed since. Well, you were gone" she says. "Well im here now. You can laugh as much as you want" I say. She comes closer to me and feels my arms. "Have you been lifting or something?" She asks. "Festus had a lot of problems getting through. I carried a lot of things. Worked my butt off to tell everyone I'm alive." I say. "Not so gloomy anymore. It's all fun and games now, like it used to be" she says. "I like that" I say. "Annabeth and percy had planned their whole life out. They are going to college in New Rome and might actually live there." She says. "When are they leaving?" I ask. "After the summer is over" she says. "I'm going to miss them" I say. "Me too" she says. "So what are you going to do?" I ask. "I don't know. I'm going to stay here year round, that's all I know" she says. "I'm staying year round too since I have nowhere to live" I say. She squeezes my hand. "You have here. Camp Half-Blood is out home" she says. I kiss her on the cheek. She splashed me with water. Soon enough jason and Piper come with their bathing suits. "I heard there was a party going on here. Mind if we join?" Jason asks. "My pleasure" I say. We all were In the water playing Marco Polo. Why not? After that was over chelsea and I weren't as prepared as jason and Piper. We didn't have towels so we had to dry at the beach. We stayed up there and talked all night. She accidentally fell asleep and I let her fall asleep for a while. I woke her up finally when she all our clothes were mostly dry. Chelsea made me spend the night with her. There was an extra room for chelsea. She had a big bed made for two. I cuddled up next to hers a we both fell asleep together.

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