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Hey if you would check out my trailer on daughter of posieden and tell me what you think. Also I am sorry about all the authors notes I just really want to give some promotion to my friends and I want to know some things thanks -A
I wake up and get to breakfast. It looks like Thalia came back and is at the hades table with chelsea. Chelsea turns around and says, "hey leo." "Hey princess" I say. I walk over to my table. Then Luke bumps into me. "watch where you're going dude" he says. "It's not my fault" I say. "I'm not going to deal with you anymore" he says. "What's your problem man?" I ask. He walks away. Chelsea puts her hand on my shoulder. "Hey give him a break he's not in the happiest mood right now" she says. "He started it!" I say. "Leo please. Just leave him alone" she says. "Fine" I say. I go over to the athena cabin. I knock on the door ask a girl comes out. "Yes? What is it?" She asks. "Umm is Annabeth here?" I ask. "Yes hold on" she says. Annabeth comes out and I point into a waling direction. "So what do you want leo?" Annabeth says. "Well I want to know anything about chelsea and Luke." I say. "Jealous?" She asks. "No I want information" I say. "what ever you say. Anyway chelsea and Luke had some past. She met him in the House of Hades. Luke at the time, wanted to get rid of the gods once and for all. So he pretended to aid hades to lure him. Soon enough chelsea fell for him and so did he. They secretly got together and spent time with eachother. Chelsea happened to witness Luke killing hades' servants and what not. Chelsea furious, yelled at him. Luke apologized but he really didn't mean it of course. Chelsea made a deal with him. If he changed his ways she would consider getting back with him. He falls for her, everyday he finds a way to get closer to her and be with her. One day he will get the him but for now, well, you get it." She says. "Oh wow that is some history" I say. "Yeah well i guess it's over now" she says. "Obviously" I say. Annabeth looks at her watch. "I gotta go I'll catch up with you later or something?" She says. "yeah okay bye" I say. I run back to the pavilion. Then Thalia Grace comes up to me. "Hey Latino boy, chelsea is looking for you. She's by the beach. "Okay thanks" I say. I run to the beach. There she is, sitting by the water just barely reached her. I come up to her. "You know I've been running around, trying to find you. Luckily your friend told me where you were." I say. "Sorry" she says. "What's wrong?" I ask while sitting next to her. "Oh, nothing I'm just......... Thinking" she says. "About?" I ask. "Life" she says. "Pretty big topic, what part of it?" I ask. "The male part" she says. I laugh. "What is there to think about boys?" I ask. "more than you think. Forget it" she says. "Let's do something" I say. She gets up and I start to get up too. She starts going to the water. Out of instinct I follow her. Then she pushes me. "Seriously?" I ask. She starts to laugh. I get up and chase her. "You're slow" she says. I speed up. "Oh gods" she says. She turns and starts running towards the cabins. Then all I see is her falling and somebody else falling. I realize it's luke. "Ouch" she moans. "Chelsea I am so sorry I didn't mean to" Luke says. "I know" she says. I run to help her up. "Watch where you are going" I say. "Knock it off leo it was an accident" she says. "Fine whatever. I'll catch you two later. Have fun" I say while leaving. "I hate that dude" I whisper underneath my breathe.

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