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I'm waiting in a cafe near ogygia. Then I see Argo II. "No way" I whisper to myself. It lands and I see people come out. I stand and wait for them. Then I see chelsea run in the door. "Leo" she says. "Chels" I say back. She runs up to me and hugs me. "I missed you princess" I say. "I missed you too" she says back. I look up at her. A tear runs down her cheek I wipe it away and lean in for a kiss. I kiss her and she kisses back. "We better get on the Argo." I say. "Yeah let's go" she says. We both walk to the Argo. Everyone either gives me a hug or oats my back. I walk straight into Jason's room and wait for him. I start to tap my foot. Jason walks in soon enough. "Dude, I have a big problem, really big problem." I say. "What is it?" He asks. "I kissed another girl. Calypso. I was on her island and when the raft came she kissed me." I say. "It didn't mean anything right?" He asks. "I don't know, I have mixed feelings about this girl" I say. "This is not good. You still like chelsea right?" He asks. "I love chelsea and all but i think I'm in love with calypso too" I say. "She can't leave her island how are you ever going to see her again?" He asks. "I dunno but I promised her a way out of the island." I say. "Oh gods leo" he says. "I know, I know." I say. "Look Piper is going to come into the cabin soon so you might wanna-" he says. "I get the hint" I say as I walk out the door. I walk into my cabin. Chelsea was in there. "Hey" she says. "Hi" I say. "So where were you? Ogygia?" She asks. "Uh no just so island." I say. "You know you can't tell me anything right?" I ask. "Yeah I know." I say, "I gotta go." I walk out the door. Right now I can't look at chelsea without thinking of what I did to her. I feel terrible. I gotta tell her. I walk back in the cabin. "Chelsea there's something I need to tell you" I say. "What is it?" She asks. "Ummmmm do you want to see a movie later?" I ask. "Sure?" She says. I walk out of the room. I just couldn't say those words. I go to my workspace I created and start to build something. It turns out to be a laptop. Then I start to make a bed for chelsea. I thought maybe I could finally start to make it. I hear a knock on the door. "Leo? Are you in there?" Chelsea says. "Uh yeah give me a minuet" I say. I quickly go the door and slip out of the room. "What do you need?" I ask. "We're watching a movie. Big Hero Six. Do you want to watch it with us?" She asks. "Yeah, yeah let's go" I say. We walk hand in hand to the mess hall where they are watching the movie. We sit down and I put my arm around her. I look over at jason and he mouths, "did you tell her?" I shake my head no and he gives me and glare the mouths, "you need to tell her." I breathe in and out and watch the movie. (BIG HERO SIX SPOILER HERE DONT READ) when the movie ends I was shocked. "Never in a million years would I have think mr. Kalahand would be the bad guy"
I say. "I know right? But i get why he is though" jason says. Every own starts to leave and go to their cabins. Everyone except jason and I. "You have to tell her sometime." Jason says. "I know, I almost did but then I chickened out" I say. "Tell her dude. Don't let her find out herself" he says. Then he runs into chelsea. "Hey look leo weren't you just looking for chelsea?" Jason asks. "Uhh yeah thanks jason" I say. "What's up?" She asks. "See you know how I said I was on some random island. Well, I wasn't. I actually in ogygia. I met a Titan named calypso. Before I left I, I, kissed her." I say. She stares at me. "Did it mean anything to you?" She asks me. "Of course not" I say. "Swear on the river Styx." She says. I couldn't say it. I just couldn't. "I knew it." She says. "Chelsea please,-" I say. "I get it. Don't worry. I'm not mad at you. I just hope you two find each other again." She says. "Chelsea, I still want to be with you! Chelsea I, I love you" I say. "I should be going. See you around." She says. She goes away. I hit the wall and bang my head on it over and over. "stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID" I say. "I'm guessing that didn't go so well" Jason says. "Leave me alone" I say. "Okay then" he says. I slide my back down on the wall. I put my head on my knees. A tear runs down my cheek. I run to where o last saw chelsea. She was at the stables. "Chelsea?" I ask. She turns around and wipes a tear from her eyes. "What do you want?" She asks. "If your not mad at me for kissing her what are you mad at?" I ask. "You didn't tell me straight away. You lied to me. How can a trust a person if they don't trust me?" She asks. I go up to her, close. "I do trust you. I didn't want to see you hurt. Like you are now. It kills me to see you this way." I say. "Leo don't. It's for your own good. We shouldn't have been together in the first place. I didn't know what I was thinking." She says. "You obviously did or you wouldn't have done it. Admit it , I am pretty charming" I say. She almost laughs, but decides not to. "Leo just stop. What's done is done." She says. She walks away put I stop her. I pull her close and kiss her. She kisses back. "I love you chelsea. I mean it. Every time I'm around you I get butterflies. Your everything to me." I say. "I love you too" she says. She kisses me and I kiss back. "I finished you bed and I made a couple extra things. I just need to put it in the cabin." I say. "Really? Sweet! Thanks!" She says as she kisses my cheek. She walks off to who knows where. I'm just happy she isn't mad at me anymore. I walk into Jason's cabin. "Dude it's totally fine with me and chelsea." I say. I look at Piper and jason stare at me. "Opps sorry to interrupt on your little thing going on there. I'll just go" I say. I walk out the door and go to franks cabin. "Frank buddy, hey so do you want to hangout?" I say "sure why not?" Frank says. "Great" I say.

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