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"You can leave, just take pain relievers when your head hurts. No fighting, using powers, or anything like that for 3 days" the nurse says. "Okay thanks" I say. I leave the infirmary. Gods, this is going to be boring. "Hey beautiful" Luke says as he runs up to me. "Beautiful?" I say. "Well yeah" he says while blushing. "Anyways I see your out of the infirmary now" he continues. "Well duh" I say laughing. "So hey, there's a party at my cabin tonight, will I see you there?" He asks. "You might" I say. "Might?" He asks. "Of course I will" I say. "And don't bring anyone else. This is an invite for one" he says. "Okay...." I say. "I'll see you later then?" He asks. "I'll be there" I say. He kisses my cheek and runs off to where I don't know. I touch where he kissed me. My face puzzled with confusion. Why did he just do that? I shake it off and go to the hades cabin where I changed into some ripped skinny jeans and a camp halfblood t shirt. I take a look at my schedule. Help little kids. Okay no problem. I get over to the sword fighting area. There were little 10 year olds running around. "Okay everybody take a dummy and practice for 5 minuets. If you need any help my name is chelsea" I say. The little odd were not the best. Luckily my little brother, Zeke was there. "Need help with anything Zeke?" I ask. "No I think I got the hang of this" he says. He swings at the dummy but misses. "Okay, can you do this for me?" I adjust him into the right combat position. "Okay now swing" I say. He hits the target. "Good" I say while ruffling up his hair. "Okay kids. Get in a line and two people on the mat! Sparing time!" I yell. Two kids get on the mat and they spar. It keeps on cycling over and over again. Finally at time for them to go to their next area and I get a break. I start to walk towards the beach. Then I see Zeke. "Hey whatcha doing?" I ask. "It's free time and I was bored so I came here" he says. "Well that makes the two of us" I say sitting down next to him. "Don't you want to hangout with your friends?" I ask. "I didn't feel like it" he says. "You should really spend some time with your friends and have fun" I say. "Later okay?" He says. "alright" I say. Somebody put their hand on my shoulder. "Hey Zeke" leo says. "Hey Leo!" Zeke says. "Hey" I say. "So I guess I am going to go see me friends. Bye!" Zeke says. "So whatcha want?" I ask. "Well I wanted to hangout with my girlfriend so I was going to ask her." Leo says. "I bet she won't mind" I say. Leo sits next to me and puts his arm around me, locking me into his arms. "Well that is very nice of her" he says. I let out a laugh. "hey later are you free?" He asks. "uh no I have be somewhere why?" I ask. "Never Mind then it can wait" he says. "Okay some other time" I say. he lets go of me and starts to walk away. "Hey! Where are you going?" I ask. "I got to get to chiron he asked to see me!" He yells. he walks away just like that. I get up and go back to my cabin. I get ready to the party. I curl the bottom of my hair and wear a black maxi dress. Aka: the most fanciest thing I own. I put on some sandals and head to the Hermes cabin. I walk in the door. I am greeted by the one and only, Luke. "Hey! Now that you're here we can actually have some real fun! Come on!" He yells. I laugh. He extends his hand towards me and I take it. He drags me on the dance floor and he starts to dance. "Hey beautiful why aren't you dancing?" He yells. "I can't dance!" I yell back. "Ah come on! No body cares if you are horrible." He yells. "Fine!" I yell. I start to dance and he starts to laugh. "I told you I'm terrible!" I yell. "No you're just cute!" He yells. I punch him on the arm. "No I'm not!" I yell. He laughs and he pulls me closer to him. "What are you doing?" I yell. "What don't like it?" He whispers. "No, if you don't remember i have a boyfriend" I whisper back. "Well that's a shame. You and me could've done something way more fun than this" he whispers. "Stop that!" I say as I poke him. "Not like that! Come on let me show you" he yells he takes my hand and leads me out of the Hermes cabin. "Since you have this boyfriend of yours we could do something a little more friendly I suppose. It may seem a bit romantic but I don't mean it to be. We can still be the best of friends like we should be. Although it's a shame we are not together." He says. "Yeah, sure, a shame!" I say sarcastically. "Come here beautiful. You make everything sound cute" he says. He hugs me and drags me to wherever he was talking about. "Now this, this, is what leo should do" I mutter. "I could do this if you give me another chance" he whispers. "Seriously?" I say. He puts his hands up in defeat. "Hey no loud music, soft music. Drinks food al other crap that would make it seem like a good date. Although we are just TWO FRIENDS hanging out" he says. Lights we thrown up everywhere in the area of woods. A picnic basket was set up with a blacker as well. There was a small radio playing soft, cute music. Luke was right, it would've made a cute date. I had to at least give him a kiss on the cheek for this one. I go on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll take that. I still think we should be together." He says. "Don't ruin it" I say. "Alright beautiful" he says. He puts his arm around me and he walks over to the radio. He turns it into a slow dance. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah come on, please?" He asks. "Fine" I say. I Wrap my arms around his neck and he wrap his on my waist. We move together. I give up after 10 minuets. "People like this?" I ask. "It's romantic in a way." He says. "Well remind me to never do this again" I say. "I cant promise that." He says, laughing. "I need to go. I had a fun time. We should hangout more" I say. "Yeah I'd love that" he says. I get and walk to my cabin. From there I fell asleep. From there, starts a dream.

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