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(I'm wear chb t shirt and the jeans up top)
I backed up before she could bite me. I stumble back and fall. Luke stabs the monster and it dissolves into dust. He extends his hand and pulls me up. He puts his hands on my waist protectively as we hear a voice. "Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, and Chelsea Carter, why is it nice to see you. You see, I've built a new home here." She says while extending her arms showing off the hotel. "Who-who are you?" I ask. "Medusa, can't you tell girl?" She asks. So stupid, well it wasn't my fault I could barley see. My vision went blurry when I fell back. Now I saw it, her snake hair. Gladly she had her glasses but I still didn't look in her eyes. "Don't look in her eyes" percy says. "No dip" I say. "Don't worry children I have glasses on that doesn't stone you" she says. "I don't want to take my chances" Luke says. I start to look up. Luke puts his hand on my chin and turns it towards me. "Don't stop looking at me, okay?" He asks. "Okay" I say. I look into his blue eyes. His eyes were pretty. Stop I told myself, you have a boyfriend. But yet again, no. "So you're the third wheel, Percy Jackson" medusa says. I pay attention to Luke. I didn't care for what medusa had to say. He was watching over me, protecting me. He could've waited at the last second to tell me, while I turned to stone or something. He was helping me while I treat him like crap, why? "If you do not want to listen I am very sorry but I will have to kill you" she says. I try to look down but Luke directed me towards his gaze again. "She going to kill us Luke I can at least look at her shoes" I say. "Listen to the girl luke"
Luke says. "Let me take care of this" Luke says. "No we are helping you" I say. "I can't let you get hurt or you get turned into stone" Luke says. "Well it's a risk I'm willing to take" I say. I grab my sword and hold it out. "Little chelsea. Weak, afraid, someone always saving you" she says. "Don't listen to her!" Luke yells. "And you luke you have so many problems. Family, friends, the person you love doesn't even love you" she says. I look over at luke. "Luke" I say. He turns his head. He charges at medusa, hopefully not looking at her. He stabs her and she wails in pain. The sword is stuck in her gut. "Nice try boy but you can't kill me like that" she says. "Yeah you're right you have to do it like this" percy says as he cuts he head off. He wraps her head in a towel and puts it in the trash. "Let's get out of here" percy says. "Great idea" i say. We start to walk but luke doesn't move. "Luke come on" I say. He doesn't move. I grab his arm and pull him towards me. "Hey are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah sorry let's go" he says. We run towards the nearest taxi. We climb in the taxi. "Where we heading" the guy asks us. "Any where towards Bermudas triangle" percy says. "what?" I ask. "their the same thing" he says. "Okay" I say. "Here we go" the guys says.

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