Chapter 26

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Katniss POV

I wake up to hushed voices. "Why are they here. Aww, they're so cute. Oh my goodness is that a wedding ring!? Hamitch, look, Katniss is wearing a wedding ring!"

And with that I open my eyes. Hamitch and Effie are hovering above me. Wait, no. Peeta's here too.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I ask, getting up. Peeta stirs and mumbles, "Katniss."

"Aww, again, absolutely adorable!"
Says Effie. "You are so annoying!" Replies Hamitch and Effie attempts to look mad. Really it's hilarious.

Peeta opens his eyes. "Wha- Hamitch? Effie?" "Yeah, why are you here exactly?" I ask. "Wow, thanks for the nice welcoming," Replies Hamitch sarcastically. "You're Welcome," I say with a smirk.

Effie reaches out and grabs my hand. "Ooooooh is this a wedding ring? Wait, no, engagement ring!? Ooooooh so exciting!!! Why are you sleeping here? Did you have a little picnic? How cute!" "Okay, okay Effie. Calm down. Yes, Peeta engaged to me yesterday." I explain. "And we had a 'little picnic'," Says Peeta while using his fingers to quote.

"Well isn't that nice sweetheart," Says Hamitch. He looks sarcastic. I frown. "Okay, congratulations," He says. I think he actually smiles. Of course, I can't really tell.

"So, what brings you here Effie?" Asks Peeta.


Effie looks up at Hamitch and he nods.

"Hamitch and I are- together."

She looks down and blushes fiercely.

"That's great Effie," Says Peeta. I'm not quite convinced. A drunken man with a little capital doll (no offense Effie)? Doesn't really work out in my mind. Well, if they're happy, I'm happy.

"We should be heading home soon," Says Peeta, looking at me.




"Oh my god, stop flirting with me!" Peeta says with a grin.

"Peeta you just quoted one of my favorite books!"

"I know. I saw it on the nightstand in our room and read it..."


"Oh, but I did, Katniss Mellark, I did."

I like that name. My name. I am Katniss Mellark. Well, I will be soon. I smile.

"Well, we should be going," Says Effie, breaking the wonderful silence. They walk out of the meadow and out of sight.

"I love you Peeta."

"I love you Katniss."

Soon I am in his arms, and his lips are on mine.


Peeta puts his fingers under my chin and lifts my head up. He smiles. "Let's go home Kat." "Okay."

He picks me up and we walk off unto the sunset, towards our house in victors village.

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