Chapter 23

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Katniss POV

When Peeta and I finish laughing our butts off we eat the cheesebuns.


"Thank you Miss. Everdeen"

Peeta grabs my hand and kisses it. I giggle.

"Oh no! Not more laughing!!!",I scream and run out of the room. Peeta follows me and grabs me from behind. "Peeta!" He starts tickling me. "NO
PE- DONT- STOP!!!",I yell while laughing uncontrollably. He continues to tickle me and we collapse onto the couch together. He continues to tickle me. Dang what is wrong with this boy!!!

After about 20 minutes he finally stops tickling me. I cup his face in my hands and pull him into a kiss. His lips brush against mine. I rest my arms around his neck, and his around my waist. I tickle the back of his neck and he pulls away laughing.


"Oh but Katniss my love, it's your's too!"

Peeta starts tickling me and I return the favor. Now we are both laughing and tickling each other.


After about an hour of that we stop. Peeta lays on the couch and I rest my head on his chest as he plays with my hair. We soon fall asleep like this.


Forever and Always.


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