Chapter 6

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Katniss POV

"Wait, WHAT!", screams Peeta, "Finnicks, alive!?! Does Annie know?" " Hold on Peeta, it was on TV. Lets watch the rest of it. Maybe it was just a rerun.", I tell Peeta. "Ok", he replies, out of breath. We sit down on the sofa and I unpause the TV.

The crowd cheers, and Finnick walks on stage.

"Hello Mr. Odair!", says Caesar with his fake smile.

"Hello Caeser", replies Finnick, and you can see the girls in the crowd go nuttso for him.

Yep thats Finnick Odair. I smile.

"So, Caesar..."


Yep he's defiantly alive.

"Ok, let me tell you the story. It was during the war. I was attaked by mutts. They sure were weird. I told the others to go while I held them back. The others thought I had died. They saw the mutts mawing me. Yes, mawing me. And yes, it sure did hurt. So anyways, after they beat me up pretty good, but I did kill some of them, they took me to the capital. I was then locked in a secret room over 40 stories under ground. Apparently no one knew about it, except for president snow. I've been trying to escape, and finally, I did", says Finnick.

"Wow", says Caesar. "Is that it?"

"Yep that pretty much sums it up".

"Ok, thank you for your time, Mr. Odair".

I then turn off the TV. "He's alive. HE'S ALIVE! YES! YES!!!". "Hey Katniss", says Peeta.
"We gotta call Annie"

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