Chapter 2

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Katniss POV

"P-P-Peeta?" I say, shocked that he's here. Why is he here? "Katniss?" Peeta asks. "PEETA!!! IM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!" I yell as I jump into his arms. He seems shocked at first, but then hugs me back. We stand there hugging for a long time. When we let go it feels awkward. I don't know why. I just stand there looking at the floor as Peeta scratches the back of his neck. I look up, "Peeta," I start and then, all of a sudden, he pulls me into a kiss!

I've longed to kiss my boy with the bread for so long! I don't know how long we kissed, but I know that I liked it. And by the looks of it, he liked it too. I smile.We stare into each others eyes for what seems like for forever. Oh! His eyes are so beautiful! Just how I remember them. Not a black like when he was hijacked, or grey like mine, but blue. Not just any old blue, but beautiful baby blue. I could stare into them forever! Then he says, "Katniss?"
"You love me? Real or not real?"

All of a sudden I remember the game we used to play after Peeta got hijacked to... help him. Wait what did he just ask me!?
"What?" I ask and he chuckles.
"I said do you love me?"
"Oh Peeta, of course!"
"REALLY!?!" he asks excitedly.
Then I pull him into a kiss.

Hours later its 11:00pm (the time I usually go to bed) and Peeta and I are sitting on the couch. I notice him staring at me. I turn to face him. "Why are you starring at me?" I ask him with a smile. "Why wouldn't I? You're the most beautiful person in the world!" he replies with a huge grin on his face. I blush. Wait, why am I blushing? "I'm not pretty," I reply. I mean, its the truth, right? "No Katniss you're not" he replies. I feel my eyes getting glassy. "Your beautiful!" he says, "I would be nothing without you! I would die without you Katniss! Die! Drop down and die!" I start crying. Not because I'm sad, but because I'm so happy. No one has ever said anything like that to me! "Aww Katniss, don't cry" Peeta says wiping tears from my face.

"I'm not sad Peeta."

"Really? Then what are you?"

"Happy," I say and then realize, I haven't been happy for a long long time. I smile "What?" he asks, also smiling. "Hey, you're smiling too!" We laugh. "Its just that I haven't been happy for a long time," I say. He has a sad look on his face. "And why not?" "Because..because... BECAUSE OF PRIM!" I scream as tears run down my face. I'm bawling my eyes out, again. Ugh. Peeta holds me in his arms and I cry.

I finally stop crying and Peeta takes me up to my room. He tucks me in. "Good night my love," he says and kisses my cheek. I blush. As he starts to leave I say, "Peeta!" He turns around. "Will you stay with me?" I ask. He walks over to me and says, "Of course." He then jumps into bed. I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and steady breathing. It always calms me. He holds me and whispers, "Always".

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