Chapter 31

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Katniss POV

I choke back bloody tears as I stare at Peeta. Suddenly, my tongue grows back. I cough and turn around.

Gale disappears and in his place, a girl appears.

I turn around.

Prim stands with her back to me.

"Prim? P-Prim..?"

Slowly, she turns around.

I scream.

This can't be Prim, it can't. She wears a long white dress-it must've been beautiful in the past-splattered in blood. Her eyes are gone, deep black pits in their place. Blood pools out of them, leaving wet, red streaks down her pale cheeks.

And in her Buttercup. He-He's..dead. His throat slit, blood pouring out. His orange fur is matted with old, dry blood.

Prim drops the dead, mangled cat and begins to walk towards me. She reaches out her arms and lifts up her head, looking to the sky.

Her wrists and neck are cut, bloodying her dress more. As she continues to walk towards me, she talks.

"Katniss," Blood pools out of her mouth as she talks, bleeding on her white dress heavily.


I jump. She sounds just like the Jabberjays.

"KATNISS! KAT-" She chokes on her words, spitting out a huge chunk of blood.

Prim continues.

"Katniss. Ka-atniss. Katnissss..Katnissssssssssssss!"

She screams. Her skin tears apart, blood gashing everywhere.

"PRIM!" I scream.

She falls to the floor in a pool of her own blood.

"N-No..," I whimper, staring at my- once again, dead-sister. Her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish.

"Kat..Ka-at..Katni-iss...," A voice behind me whispers.

I turn around.


Peeta stares at me, his blue eyes wide, pleading.

I walk over to him and crouch down beside him.

"Y-Yes P-P-Peeta..?"

"I love you Katniss," He says, staring up at me with his baby blue eyes.

My heart shatters. He looks like he did in the cave. No-his eyes. They look like they did in the cave. Pleading.

"I love you Peeta."

I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Real or not real?" He asks, looking at me.


I rub circles on his hand.

"Stay with me..," I whisper, a tear streaking down my face.

Peeta wipes it away with his free hand, his finger comes back bloody.

I lean in and kiss him, trying hard to be gentle. He cups my face and kisses me back lovingly.

I pull away, my mouth wet with blood.

Peeta looks at me.

"Stay with me?" I once again whisper.

"Always..," Peeta whispers before his breaths get fast.

He breaths in and out fast.


He starts coughing up blood.


He's choking! He's choking!

"PEETA, NO!" I scream, wrapping my arms around him. His blood covering me.

I pull away and look at his face. I brush a piece of hair away. Peeta twitches and chokes, more blood erupting from his mouth.

I brush his hair with my hand gently.

Then, a low gurgling sound behind me...

My head whips around to face Prim.

She twitches and morphs into a mutt. A lizard mutt. The mutt that killed Finnick. She darts towards me.

I look back at Peeta and bury my face in his chest, never wanting to let go.

The beast tears into my neck. I stay silent, calm.

"Always," I whisper as I take my last breath.

I clutch onto Peeta and my eyes close.

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