Chapter 16

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Katniss POV

When I get to the beach I am out of breath. As soon as I see Peeta I run to him yelling,"Peeta! Peeta!" I jump on him and we fall down. As we're laying on the ground in the sand I give him a million kisses on his forehead, his cheeks, and his lips. We then get up and dust ourselves off.

"Katniss what's wrong are you okay!?!",screams Peeta. "Oh, Peeta! It was Gale!" "What? What did he do!?!" "Peeta it was a dream" "Oh,okay. You wanna talk about it?" "Mhm. Gale killed me",I start to tear up,"He also killed Prim and-a-a-and..." "What? Katniss what? Its okay. It was just a dream",Peeta says trying to reassure me. "He-he... KILLED AUTUMN AND HE TOOK LITTLE ABBEY AND KEPT HER AND-AND",I scream .I can't hold in my cries any more. I cry and scream into Peeta's chest.

"Who are Autumn and Abbey?",he finally asks. "Our babies...",I say quietly. "What? You two have kids. Wow, I missed a lot",says Finnick with a laugh. "No we don't",says Peeta. "Katniss are you pregnant?",asks Annie. "NO!",I scream and run off into the jungle and Peeta follows close behind.


"Katniss",whispers Peeta. "Yes?",I ask, quietly.

"Are you alright"
"Yea I'm fine. Wheres Annie?"
"She and Finnick took baby Finn home"
"You alright?"
"What were you talking about?"
"They were our children. In the dream"
"Oh. Let's go back to Annie's Kat. Okay?"

And with that Peeta carries me back to Annie's house bridal style and I notice Peeta looking at the sunset. It is his favorite color after all. I smile. All is good and well in my life, finally.

Or so I thought...

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