Chapter 24

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Katniss POV


I open up my eyes to find myself in the beautiful meadow near the edge of the woods in district 12. I lift my head up and make eye contact with the beautiful baby blue eyes that belong to my Peeta.

"Hello Katniss",he says, smiling. I also smile and give him a short,but sweet, peck on the lips.

"Why are we here?"

I look around and see a picnic spread out before us. With grooseling, bread, berries, and-

"CHEESEBUNS!!!",I scream as I grab one and stuff it in my mouth. As I finish eating it I make a joke and say,"It's a good thing Effie isn't here."

Peeta laughs and says, mocking Effie in her weird capital accent,"Yes Katniss deary, manors, manors!"

We burst out laughing. When we stop Peeta and I start to eat. He starts with the bread,of course, as I start with the grooseling. I finish half of the grooseling and give the rest to Peeta. I start to eat the bread that Peeta left over. We then move on to the berries.

Mmm. Rue's berries. The ones that see had in the arena. I miss Rue. I wish that I could have saved her. I then hear a mocking jay sing Rue's tune. I think of it as a sign. For her to tell me that she's ok. I smile.

We finish at about the same time. I stare Peeta down for awhile, then go right for the cheesebuns! I grab about half and run for the woods, laughing as Peeta runs after me.

He catches up to me and grabs me from behind,"Aren't you gonna share Katniss?" "NOPE!",I scream, as I fail to stuff all of the cheesebuns into my mouth. Peeta starts laughing and I escape from his grasp. I run back to the picnic.

When Peeta gets back I am already almost done with whats left of the cheesebuns. Peeta grabs the last one and eats it while I am busy licking the grease off of my fingers.

Peeta picks me up and spins me around and around. We laugh."I love you Peeta!",I scream, as he spins me around. He stops spinning me and kisses the tip of my nose. "I love you too Kat."

We just stand there, resting our foreheads together until Peeta interrupts.


He gets down on one knee. My mouth falls open and I stare with disbelief.

He grabs my hand and asks, "Will you marry me?"


I awake with a jerk. I look over and see Peeta holding on to me. We're on the couch. Wait on the couch? Oh, we must have fallen asleep here. Oh well.

Peeta wakes up and as soon as he sees
me, he smiles.

"No nightmares?",he asks with a smile.

"No nightmares",I reply, also with a smile.

"I love you Katniss."

"I love you too Peeta."

Forever and Always...

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