Chapter 4

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Katniss POV

Where am I? I seem to be in some type of meadow. Beautiful. I smile. There are primroses everywhere. I frown. Wait, what!? Is that Prim?

"Katniss!" She screams, looking at me, fear in her eyes.




We start to run towards each other. Then she I hear a gun being fired. Tears spill out of my eyes at I see Prim being shot in the head. She instantly falls. Then, "BOOM," the sound of a cannon. Like the one in the hunger games. I feel goosebumps at the thought of it, then come back to my senses. Prim. Shes dead. Oh my god.

"Prim? Prim!?! PRIM! PRIM WAKE UP PLEASE!" I scream as I run to her. I reach her and hold her in my arms as her blood pours out of her head wound all over me. Then, she disappears. "PRIM!" I scream once again. I lay my head down and cry.

Then, I hear a weird sound. I pick my head up and she that I'n surrounded by...mirrors. Mirrors? I look at my reflection. I'm completely covered in...blood. Oh my god. MY LITTLE SISTERS BLOOD! Poor Primmy!!! MY LITTLE DUCK IS GONE!!! I then start screaming bloody murder.

"Hey Catnip" I hear someone say. Wait, Gale... I whip around to face him. He starts laughing. Then, he runs up to me! I scream and shriek in pain as he stabs me in the stomach. I fall to the ground. He yanks out the knife hardly then shoves it in again.

"KATNISS WAKE UP YOUR DREAMING ITS OK!" Peeta screams as he hugs me tight. I stop screaming. Peeta starts to get up.

"Peeta?" I ask.


"Will you say with me?"


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