Blended and Wishes

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When we got up the next morning, the first thing we did was move the beds.
Daryl walked in with Glenn when the metal board scraped against the floor.
"What are you two doing?"
"Putting the beds together,"Carl grunted.
"Why?"Glenn asked.
Daryl answered,"So they can sleep together."
All the color faded from Glenn's face as we dragged my bed across the room.
"Uh should we be letting them do that? They're only fifteen. Lori and Rick wouldn't have wanted us to let their fifteen year old son sleep with a fifteen year old girl."
Daryl smiled,"Would they have let us let Carl sleep with a nine, or sixteen year old?"
Glenn frowned at Daryl.
"Calm down. Have you not seen them sleeping together for the past couple of days? It's completely innocent."
"He's fifteen though." Glenn said.
I smirked. I found it funny that Glenn thought that the older boys were, the more hornier they get.
Daryl rolled his eyes,"All they do is sleep. I've seen the way they squeeze onto that small bed to hold each other at night. I trust them. And anyway, they're not stupid. I'm pretty sure that they don't want to bring a baby into the fucked up world."
Glenn sighed and walked away.
I didn't mind that Glenn was feeling overprotective. It was like he was my stepfather and he actually wasn't a wimp.

Carl, Key, and I were on our run and Key started staring at Carl.
Carl glanced back at her and smiled a sneaky grin.
He put his arm around her and then smirked at me as we continued away from the prison.
I snickered and sped up to escape the two of them. Behind me, I heard the hushed sounds of their voices.
"So, are you and Jocelyn really serious,"my best friend asked.
"Yup,"Carl said with a touch of pride in his voice.
Key laughed as Carl poked her in the ribs,"That's good. Joce never did have anyone that cares about her like I do. Even her ex, Stevan. She always felt misunderstood. The only time I ever saw a spark in her step was when she was with me. I see it in her when she's with you now too. I'm happy for you guys."
I felt really happy that my best friend and my boyfriend actually liked each other.
Carl grinned,"I noticed that about her too. Since you and Denise came to stay with us, she seems to have more pep in her step. Probably because Stevan came to stay with us and then he committed suicide because he couldn't stand to see us together."
Keyanna's grin faded,"Stevan's dead?"
They walked silently together while I walked ahead.
The day moved along very slowly. It seemed as if all the Walkers had left Atlanta.

As we turned to leave from the small patch of grass that Carl an I had sat on the very day that Rick had died, Key cocked her gun and pointed it at the nearby tree.
"What's wrong?" Carl asked as we both cocked our own guns.
I turned to Carl,"She used to take music lessons where they made her listen for a certain pitch, so it increased her hearing abilities. There's something out here."
We both aimed our guns in he same direction as Key's.
"Come out." Carl yelled.
A thin figure came from behind he exact tree at which we were aiming.
It was a girl. She was about Key's height and had the same brown hair and brown eyes with green flecks in it.
"Allie?" Key asked as she lowered her weapon. Carl and I followed.
"Key!" the girl screamed.
I remembered the girl that was standing in front of me. Her name was Aaliyah and she was one year older than Key. They looked so much alike that everyone thought they were twins, but Key, Allie, or I didn't see it.
I walked towards the girl and hugged her. She was ken if those people at school that I would hang out with, but wasn't really my best friend. An acquaintance, sure. But not a friend.
Key was sobbing into her sister's shoulder,"We thought you were dead?"
Allie soothed her sister until the tears had stopped and the. She filled us in in her story.
"That day, you guys had left me after the Walkers attacked. I was only half conscious, but I saw you and Mom walk away crying. I woke up in some strange bed and some guy, named Daniel, told me that I had been shot and that he had saved me from the Walkers. After my wounds healed, he taught me how to hunt and gather. He also taught me how to defend myself with knives. I couldn't stand I be around guns. A few days ago, Daniel was killed by Walkers and I was left on my own. I was gathering just now when I heard voices."
Carl looked at Key and then at me,"We have extra room in the prison, if you want to come with us. Your mom's there."
She nodded quickly and then we were in our way. Key and Allie walked ahead of me and Carl.
"What are they gonna say when they see that we brought back yet another person?" Carl asked me with a smile.
I laughed,"Glenn, Maggie, and Beth will probably congratulate us. Denise will thank us and Daryl give us an attitude."
Carl laughed and took my hand and we continued to walk to the prison doors.

When we walked into he main room, we barely had enough time to introduce Allie before Denise launched herself at her young daughter.
Daryl walked past me and Carl while mumbling something about us bringing back more people than food.
The rest of us walked to our respected rooms to give the newly reunited family some space.
As I placed the last knife on the bedside table and crawled into bed, Carl told me that we do a great job at making families.
"Well, we didn't mean to, but hey we did. We reunited a family."
Carl lay down next to me and whispered,"One day, when the apocalypse is over an forgotten, I want to have a family again. Having Daryl, Beth, Maggie, Glenn, Key, Denise, or Allie isn't the same as having a real family. Right now, you are my real family. You, me, Judith, and Jacob. That's what I want when this is over."
I curled into him,"I do too. No matter what, everyone in this prison will always be my family. Especially you, Judith, and Jacob. I love you all."

Little did we know, those would be the last words that either of us would say to each other for a long time.

Okay. I'm sorry about doing his so late, but it's here!!!!!!! Let me know what you think about the chapter. (I love the big cliffy!!!!)❤️❤️❤️❤️

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