42 drunk giggles

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"where were you?"
Jimin says as soon as he open the door to see Taehyung standing there drenched in rain water head to toe. His hair disheveled and covering his eyes. His light blue denim jacket, now a darker color. He removed his shoes that are now looking like wet socks.

"Ahhh I was just coming back from jin hyung's place" he says as he places his shoes on the side.

"You spend an awful amount of time at his house with him" Jimin says raising an eyebrow, an innocent look adorn his face.

"Yeah he doesn't take the whole me being going abroad thing very well"

"I also want to spend time with you too you know"
Jimin reasons out.

"Being separated is new for me and him chim, not for us"
Taehyung says sighing, waiting for the conversation to end so he can dry himself up.

"Good point but still....."
Jimin whines obviously very annoyed with Taehyung.

"Yes Jimin I understand and I'm sorry. Genuinely"

"Good! As you should be!"

Taehyung chuckles at jimin's tactics.
Taehyung ruffles his hair which Jimin swatted away.

"Gosh! Joonie hyung must feel like a third wheel with you guys"

"I mean of course, considering the fact that he's the one that sleeps on the couch" Taehyung smirked and Jimin playfully hit his shoulder.

"Go change stupid"

Taehyung walks carefully to his room and crouches down near his suitcase to take his clothes out.

"Um where even is it....."
He murmurs to himself as he try rummage through his stuff to find towel.

A weird noise was heard from behind and he turns around to see jungkook coming out of their shared bathroom.

Even if he really wanted to not look at the other knowing jungkook's habit of not wearing his clothes in the bathroom he still turned around only to see jungkook standing there in all his glory.

His face a little red and so were his eyes. He bathed too long in hot water. Hair tousled around everywhere tattoos on display as he was wearing some grey coloured joggers with only a towel hanging around his neck.

Taehyung looks at him from top to bottom (checking out, he was checking him out). Not caring that jungkook could clearly see him doing that.
He starts roaming his eyes from his hair to collarbones to his chest tattoo to his finger to...
Wait a minute
What is he holding again?

"Why are you holding the door latch jungkook?"
Taehyung looked at him shocked.

"Oh well this... Yeah... Oh.. um ....
So the door was jammed so I tried pulling it by holding the latch and the handle"

Jungkook shyly says while showing his other hand carrying the handle too.

"Wow so the bathroom does not have a latch or a handle"

"Yes" jungkook grins.

"You know what you remind me of"

"What?" Jungkook says putting latch and handle on the table and sitting on the bed.

"A dog! You know those dogs that are really cute and small when they are puppies and then develop a habit of clinging to their owners and then grew up to be giants and almost as big as their owners and still be like puppies waiting for cuddles and kisses. And then underestimate
their strength that often results in breaking of things? Yeah that kind" Taehyung says pointing at the handle then theatch and then jungkook.

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