25 Annoying train ride

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"How in the world did my mum let you guys take me here?? "

Jungkook stands still and shook with his five other friends and a plus one.

Let's take it back to the train shall we.

- In the train -

They all sat in the seats next to each other with a table in between for now.

From daegu to the destined place, it might take a long annoying train routes but what's more annoying for Jin and Yoongi was the other five grasping all the moments and nooks to ask them where they were actually going.
If not, they will just try to make them spill it out accidentally which they didn't.

"If you ask me one more fucking time I might actually take your eye balls out with this very fork and you don't know what I will do with it later!"

Jin says with his eyes getting slightly narrower as to look more dangerous, a small wicked smile on his face making him look creepy and his palms contains the small trident stood proudly in front of his face with a single noodle still dangling on it.

All the other just stop doing what they were doing and stared at him for a while, scared to death and eyeball.

Jimin who asked him this time silently pouts and faces his food not being able to look Jin in his eyes.

Hoseok then reaches out his hands to Jin and takes the single noodle and slurp it up.

And the attention turns towards him, all the others looked at him with so much disbelief.

"Jung Hoseok you really are something different from this regular world" Jin sighs.
Trying hard not to laugh.

Hoseok just shrugs in reply.

"Okay let's not talk about the destination anymore"

"Can you guys please give me my phone back?" Taehyung whines a little bit.

"No Sweetie." Jin said back with a teasing smile on his face.
"You'll search up this train routes and then you'll know where we are going and then you'll tell Jimin because you guys are those nevergonnalietoeachother bestfriends and then everyone will know and the whole plan of yoongi and mine would be ruined. Do you not get it!????" Jin whines this time.

"Oh shut up you drama queen.
Give him his phone the train ride is long and is going to bore the fuck out of him" yoongi said slightly rolling his eyes.

"Also this trains stops on a lot of stations so we don't know what is our 'destined' one"
Jungkook says after a long silence.
Phone in his hands lighting up his face, a hidden mischievous grin on his face masked by the innocence with eyebrows knitted together.
He sat hunched back on the corner seat because he wanted to sit beside the window like a child almost invisible to all because Namjoon's body his him.

"Hey! How come this excuse of a human being has his phone and I don't?" Taehyung starts.

"Wow aren't you being a little too sweet to me today!?"
Jungkook retorts back.

"Yes because your whiny seagull ass always gets what you want from hyungs every single time!"

"Offended by the seagull ass but happy that you atleast know your place here." Jungkook purses his lips and smirks a bit.

"Oh how much I wish I can throw you off of this train right now so you get your brains right."

" I did get my brains right that's why even though I'm younger than you by one year I'm still in the same class as yours".

"That's because you transferred here and shit, not because of that little ostrich brain of yours"

"Yeah whatever..."

"Guys shut up!!
I'm so sick of you people" Namjoon finally says something.
"Jin hyung why'd you give kook his phone but not tae?"

"Okay so here's the thing. Okay
We made a deal.
A pretty good one......
It's umm....

"Oh god. I told him I'll buy him jelly packets that'll last longer than this weekend and he isn't telling you because then you guys will steal it."
Jungkook sighs and relaxes his back.

"Yes" Jin grins with a slight guilt.

"Give me that bag of yours!" Taehyung snatches Jin's bag and take his phone.
"Also you are the real stealer of this house." He says looking at Jungkook while giving Jin his bag again.

"Don't get me started again. I already roasted you. Do you want to be burnt now?" Jungkook says.

"Oh wow you're so sassy jungkook.oh my god. I'm scared"
Taehyung mocks.

"As much as I don't want to speak in between but Taehyung is correct you do steal our food."
Jimin says.

"Yeah you do..." Namjoon acknowledges too.

"Wow angry sex between Jungkook and Taehyung must be a sight to watch hehe"
hoseok says his face down staring at table with a smile on his face.
He's playing with his hem of sleeve when Jin slaps him on his hand. Breaking him out of his wild and weird imaginations.

And I said that out loud again
He thinks.

"I'm gonna go to the washroom. I'm sick of this."
Taehyung takes his phone and walks away.
Letting the others continue their fight over food stealing and much more.

After the resolution of fight and them getting good sleep they woke up to the hault of train.
The speaker blurts out something but what they caught out of it were just two words.

That rung like bells of heaven.

Jeju Island

"Oh my fucking god hyungs!"

They had a long group hug full of joy and love much contrasting to whatever's was happening earlier.
They get out of the train and took the cab to their hotel.

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