6 Hate him all together

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Taehyung was laying on his bed or not. I dont know if that position would be considered as laying or not.

So here he was extremely tired after attending the first day of his new semester.The whole day passed without him knowing and increasing the pain in his back after every period. Every class had this introduction session that he completely hated because according to his bratty self everyone knows KIM TAEHYUNG.

But there was just one thing roaming around his mind

and that was that one guy he hated from the bottom of his heart that flows in each and every vein in his body.

It is impossible for him to tell the amount of hate he has for jungkook and can lay down thousands and thousands of reason for it.

He was upset, really upset just the thought of the both of them being there in the same damn class for a fucking year or maybe the next one too was dreadful and he was not gonna tolerate this shit.

His thoughts were interrupted when he was called down to eat dinner.


"so how was the school today, dear?" ask his mum in her sweet voice flashing a smile to him.

"It was alright. everything was all right. The new classes seems cool and the english teacher is already my favorite. " he giggles while saying

"how are your classmates?" his dad spoke

"um- yeah they are good too" his says, a bit of disappointment in every syllable.

"Is there someone in your class that you don't like or is bothering you?" his mother asked again, concerned

"yes actually, um- jungkook is in my class now"

his father burst out laughing, his wife nudging him with her elbow in order to stop him but he didn't and just continued to do it. Taehyung just looks at him with his usual blank face

"Are you kidding me? you guys have known each other for so long now get over it already! I've seen you guys hate each other since you were toddlers don't you think its time to get this thing done! Also he looks good too, maybe you can ask him out sometime?"

"Yes both of you will look so cute together! You have no idea how much me and his mother ships you too but you two are too dumb to look over the hate" his mum chimed in.

" It's about time you guys act like you grew up. You're gonna get graduated from school in like what? 2 years. You gotta make this friendship happen."

" Yes sweetie. I can't wait to see you together. Imagine you taking him home for dinner! How cute!"

"Aren't you supposed to support me ? What are you guys even saying?? Aren't we supposed to hate him all together but here you are trying to ship me with that dickwad!!

"HEYY!!" both of them said "we know you hate him but please, LANGUAGE! for fuck's sake" his father said.

taehyung just sighed.

"It will be alright, love. Don't stress over it. I know you guys will become friends just give it some more time and make him your boyfriend. Now go up and sleep and DO NOT PLAY OVERWATCH!"

"All Right All right. I'm going up, that boyfriend thing is never happening though. G'night mom and you too dad" and then he went to sleep

or not?


Jungkook was sitting on the roof doing nothing but staring at the beautiful sky above him which he thinks he has been doing quite often now.

his shoulders slouched down and hands resting limp on his lap as he hummed to a song that he couldn't remember.

he sighs and looks down to his feet
why do i feel hungry again!! like i just fucking had dinner with my family and here is my stomach telling me to eat more. i swear to god I'm not going to go downstairs and eat and lose my precious abs. Okay ! so something is weird when i was eating i didn't have much appetite but still ate a lot and felt so full after eating it but now that I'm up here why do i feel hungry all over again!? Is something wrong with me!?

"Y'know what just fuck it. I'm craving cake so much"

I'm good, I'm done,

Loving my hater! - VKOOK  ✓Where stories live. Discover now