17 Pure bliss

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Jungkook walks by the hallways with his bag on his back slinging off from one of his shoulder as he waved to a few people. The day was ending and students were now allowed to go home.

However Jungkook had different plans. He was going to his secret place to read the new book he just took from the library.

' Loving Myself' said the title of the book of an anonymous writer who claims himself as a normal boy who wants to love himself for who he is, accept himself and wants other to love themselves also.

Jungkook has always been a lover of books even though his looks says otherwise.

His bunny teeth came out as he flashed a cheeky smile to a girl and smirking later as the girl fanned herself. This was Jeon.
Typical. Isn't he?

A flirt. That's what he is but he never does anything to hurt people except that one guy Jeon doesn't want me to take name of.

He winks at some other girls too thinking they were special or something when he was totally and openly gay with his whole heart.

He makes his way to his secret place.

And then he heard someone.

Someone he knows.

A friend?

Did they just said Jungkook?

He steps to the side and look back only to find Yugyeom approaching him.



"Hey Jungkook! I was calling your name so loud that one teacher heard and smacked me on the head. Hehe". He laughs while rubbing the back of his head.

" You shouldn't have shouted like that, you dumbo"

" Or you could've listened when I called you out the first time"

Jungkook just glares at him while Yugyeom glares back. Both with the equally strong gaze lasted for a second when they burst out laughing like kids.

"Anyways I was gonna ask you if you are coming to the volleyball game tomorrow? Saw you and thought you needed an invitation."

" I don't like volleyball.
Have you ever seen me at one match?"

" Thinking about that ..................... I really haven't.
Whatever you should it's fun to watch any game."

" I'm sorry but I'm gonna decline your offer. "

" Okay bud! See you later imma take off now" Yugyeom turns back while waving his hands like crazy and laughing at himself.

Jungkook watches him go with slight disbelief in eyes and a grin on his face because of his very stupid friend.

He starts walking and reaches out to the door of the secret room.

He struggles to step in with a large backpack but eventually gets in and puts his back to the side.

He reached out to his bag one more time and take out his charger to put his almost dead phone on charging.

Then he plops down on the sofa, dust particles flying to his nose while he scrunches it and regrets not cleaning the room since the start of this session.

He takes out his cigarette and lighter to lit it up.

According to him this was everything he needed at the moment. His cigarette, an interesting book in his hand and silence.

He craved it.

There's a reason he hates his sister because she's loud and whiny and her high pitched voice doesn't make it better.

This was pure Bliss.

Later that day~

Jungkook was laid down on his bed. His one foot on his pillows and his head on his blanket. One leg up in air and one hand touching his toes.

That can be appreciated as a weird position.

Considering the fact that it's already midnight and he has school tomorrow.
He should be sleeping but he isn't.

He can't stop thinking about different things and just cant get his mind to rest for the day and sleep for the love of God.

He thinks about a lot of things. School, childhood friend, good old days with jimin-ssi and many more

His mind flashbacks him to the day he had this argument ( it was a fight he won't accept it )
With the one and the only Kim Taehyung.

He suddenly remembers the bruises he had on his hand.

They were all shades of light and dark blue black and purple.

Honestly felt painful just by looking.

They looked fresh.

Maybe, maybe Taehyung was in some kind of deep trouble.

Maybe his parents abused him.

Maybe he was in some gangster shit.

Maybe he fought with someone else before him.

Maybe he was caught doing drugs and police caught him and beat him up.

Maybe he killed someone and was running away and trying not to be caught.

Maybe he was beaten up.

Maybe he was being bullied.

Maybe he hides all and all behind his smile.

Was his smile fake.
Didn't seem like it.

But he's always so nice he can never kill.

All these thoughts started running through his mind.

He sits up with slight beads of sweat on his forehead and eyebrow knitted together with a concerned and horrified face.

Oh my god! I can't think of the many possible reasons to his fresh bruises.

He had a pained expression when I pushed him on the locker and he did hissed.

I shouldn't have done that.

I know that it was my fault and I realized it that day only.

But I won't accept or apologize

At least for now.

Also I accidentally stubbed his toe and he was wearing his favorite Gucci slippers that he usually wears.

Wait why do I know this??


The topic of concern is his bruises.

How can someone do anything to hurt that smol baby.

A pout forms on his face when a sudden realization hit him.

About what he was thinking and about who he was thinking about.

" The fuck? I DID NOT just said and thought thatat.
I should sleep. My thoughts are getting out of my hands"

And with that he huffs and went to sleep.

Maybe he'll go to the match.

Just to see the captain
*winky face*

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