11 Awfully similar jacket

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The bell rings indicating that it was now lunch break.

Jungkook internally cheers because he didn't eat dinner yesterday night, apparently he was being busy playing an important game of 'counter strike'. And was late this morning so didn't get the time to take breakfast also. So basically he was just starving.

Aahh! Finally lunch. I've been waiting for this moment for my whole life.

I'll see what eomma has given for the lunch.

My stomach is grumpy.

God! Nowadays I really get hungry for no reason and sometimes with reason.



I really need to  stop eating this much.

What if I melt my abs!

I can't even think of it!!

He walks through the hall thinking about all the unnecessary things.

"Hey Jungkook oppa! Would you like to have lunch with us today!?

Asks a bunch of girls going to the cafeteria

Ahhhhhhh that cringe. Why can't they call me just Jungkook, as in my actual name and not add that cringy word after that. How obnoxious is this girl and her dams high pitched voice. JK thinks internally.

" Not today, I'll eat lunch with  you girls some other time."

" But oppa you said that few days ago too and a few days ago from that day" her almost non existing lips forms a pout.


"I'm sorry for that Lisa. We'll see some other time"

Jungkook takes off without even waiting for any more replies, pleads or ugly pouts.


He sneakily walks upstairs continuously checking behind himself at the moment suspecting that someone might come.

Anxiety and fear rushing up to his chest.

He walks faster and steadily.

He was sweating like shit now.

Well he just couldn't afford to let anyone find where he was going or why was he going.

He opens the store room gate on the top most floor to find it stacked up to the ceiling with no space to go further.

He checks back one more time and then bents down.

He pulls out one specific box and went inside putting the box back there so no one would suspect or even know.

He goes inside and takes a sigh of relief.

This was his own secret place in the school that no one knew about. NO ONE, not even Jimin.

It was a few years ago when a lonely wandering Jungkook found this place and made it his secret. He decided that he will tell about this place to only one person in this whole world and that person would be the one he loves dearly and so much that he can finally reveal his favorite place.

But the thing was that he still couldn't find the right person for him.

It took him around a week to settle the room up while creeping out in the middle of the lunch carefully.

When you open the door of the room it feels like that it was stacked up to the ceiling and the room had no space left but the thing was that it was just layer of boxes in the front.

The back part was spacious and had a big half broken window which was perfect for sight seeing.

You could see the back of the school where there was a lot of trees and could see a small portion of the lake some distance away from school.

Other than that was a stack of comics that he kept there and a big sofa with broken legs. Also there was a charging point so that he could charge his phone when he needed and a small pillow.


It has been a while since the last time he came here.

He can't come daily because then everyone will ask questions so he just went there a few times in a month to feel relieved and happy.

He settles down on the sofa and takes out his lunch from the bag.
Only to stand up one again and rest the lunch aside and opening the window. He looks out the window for a while and see a guy there.

Sitting alone on the ground and whistling. Soon a dog came and the guy whistles again, this time twice. Soon came the little pups of that dog. The guy plays with dog and his pups. He takes out two lunches and opens it.

One for himself and the other one for the dogs. He then happily eats his lunch.

Jungkook imwardly coos at the sight. He loves dogs and he loves the people who loves dogs.

Jungkook stares at the guy for a while and then notices his jacket.

Somehow the jacket seemed familiar.

Someone he's seen wearing it today.

That awfully similar jacket.


Without giving more thought to it. His grumbling stomach indicated that he needs food so he plopped down on the sofa again and eats his lunch.

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