Chapter 13: Close call

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Maya's POV:

It has been 3 weeks since they had slept together, and let's just say they had done it A LOT more since then. Jamie was finally settled waking up at around 6:30 giving Maya more time to sleep, that is if she wasn't woken up by her nightmares. It's was lunchtime and she was sat in the beanery with the rest of her team, chatting about random stuff until the fire alarm went off notifying them that they had a call. This one was pretty bad, they got to the scene in record time. Maya listened to her Captain as he instructed them on where to be and what to do. "Ok Bishop you go up onto the top floor and make sure no one is stuck, if you go" he told her dismissing her from the group. Maya made her way up into the attic of the burning house not being able to see much through the thick smoke, "is anyone up here?" She asked making sure she checked before leaving. Just as she was about to make her way back down the ladder she heard a whimper, "help" she then heard, she then hurried her way back up the ladder and climbed on the floor of the attic trying to see through the smoke. "Ok I'm a firefighter can you please tell me where you are so I can try and help you?" She asked waiting for a response from the person again. "Under the bed" she heard from what she guessed was a little kid, the gender she wasn't sue of yet. "Ok just hang in there" she said making her way over to the bed, tapping anything she could to try and feel where she was. "Hi there, are you alright?" She asked identifying the child as a young boy curled up under the bed. "Y-yh I guess, I'm scared" he whimpered, "alright can you try and make your way over to me buddy?" She said trying to get the kid out as soon as she could before the whole place collapsed. He nodded confirming he could and slowly made his way over to the blonde. "Great job bud" she said pulling him the rest of the way out and putting him underneath her body so she protected him from the flames, "ok we haven't got long to go now" she informed him crawling a long the wooden floor of the attic. Once they made it to the hole in the floor connecting to the ladder she picked the boy up and placed him on the ladder supporting him with her hands. "Bishop what's keeping you?" She heard through her radio, "I found a kid up in the attic on my way back now" she said about to get down herself before she heard something snap. "Bishop what was that?" She heard her best friend ask her, "I'm not sure but it doesn't sound-" she was cut off by the floor she was on collapsing. "BISHOP! Bishop do you copy" Andy screamed through the radio worried for her friend. As soon as Maya hit the ground she was unconscious. When Maya woke up she was outside, being driven to the hospital, by what she could hear by the sirens she guessed that's where she was going. "Ugh" she groaned trying to sit up but her body not being strong enough, "shhh it's alright Maya we're going to the hospital, they'll get you fixed up you know how this goes" her best friend told her, "C-Carina?" She asked wanting the brunette to be with her, "we gave her a call she should be there when we get to the hospital, but I need you to stay awake for me" she listened to Andy's instructions and tried to stay awake until she got to the hospital.

Carina's POV:

It was another busy day at the hospital, the brunette had already done 2 surgeries and was ready for lunch, she made her way to the attending lounge to meet Teddy and Amelia. "Ciao Bellas" she said when she opened the door and saw both women sat on the couch eating lunch without her, "hey, it's not what it looks like" Amelia said scared about how here friend would react about them eating without her. "Well it kinda is, sorry we got hungry, I've had 3 surgeries already today, as much as I love it I need food" Teddy giggled knowing the brunette would understand. "Sì that's fine I'm actually pretty swamped too"she replied sighing as she took a seat in the middle of the women opening her tub of salad and rice. "So how are you and the firefighter" Amelia asked lightly nudging her on the shoulder giving one of her terrible winks. "She's good, I don't know how to explain it, but being with her has made me the happiest I've been in a long time" she stated smiling at the memory of her girlfriend. "That's really great I'm happy for you both" Amelia replied glad her friend is happy, "me too she's a keeper" Teddy also said. After eating their lunch and talking for a bit, both Teddy's and Amelia's pager went off informing them that someone would be on their way injured. "Ok well lovely talking to you Carina gotta take this" Amelia said before running out of the lounge room followed bye Teddy. After a couple of minutes with the brunette sat in a comfortable silence with her legs resting on the coffee table in front of her, she heard her phone start ringing, she grabbed it from her scrub pocket and answered it. "Hello?" She asked wondering why Maya had called her, "Hi Carina it's Andy, Maya's friend" she heard over the phone. At that the brunettes heart immediately stopped, tears filled up in her eyes and she was afraid of what would come next, "Maya got into an accident and we're bringing her now, she wanted you to be there" Andy told the worried woman on the other end of the phone. "O-ok I'll make my way down now" she told the blondes best friend before rushing to her feet and making her way to the ambulance bay. "Carina she's going to be alright, she's been through a lot... she's tough" Carina sighed knowing the woman was right, but she couldn't help let her brain wander and imagine what would happen if it wasn't. When she said goodbye to Andy and thanked her for letting her know about the injured blonde she made her way outside seeing Teddy and Amelia, "I'm so sorry Caina we wanted to tell you but had to get down as fast as we could" the brunette explained as she stroked her back supportingly. "It's ok I'll feel a little better when I see the condition she's in" she states taking one big deep breath before hearing the sirens of the ambulance informing them that Maya was there. Well here goes nothing.

I'm going to leave you with this cliff hanger aha don't hate me it's just really late rn (3:30am). So I hope your enjoying this sorry so far please keep letting me know your thoughts and any suggestions, I'm open for all :)

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