Chapter 59: The cure

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"Are you serious?" They both asked at the same time. "Yes... there is a chance that a cure has been found" the doctor replied, a smile plastered across her face. "Baby are you hearing this?" Maya asked, as she opened her arms for the brunette, she lifted the Italian and spun her around, both giggling and squealing as they did so. This was it... their little boy could have a chance at a longer life.

                       THE CURE
Both POV:

"I am just going to mention... even though this has a good percentage or survival, and healing. There has been failed attempts, so you need to prepare." The doctor explained, wanting both women to know that this could either end with survival... or death.

""How will this help him? Like what will you be doing?" Maya asked, needing to understand what was going to happen. "Well.. we will be putting Jamie through more chemotherapy, and then using radiotherapy. Which could lead to another surgery" she answered, watching as both women nodded their heads in understanding.

"Both of these is considered as palliative chemotherapy, the surgery might not be needed, we will only do the surgery if necessary" Maya nodded, as she grabbed Carina's hand and squeezed it softly, a gesture that made the brunette always feel safe.

"This process will be tough... tougher than it's been so far, he'll have moments where he'll want to give up... I've had many children his age not being able to deal with the healing process, and giving up. I assure you that yes this is tough, yes it's absolutely exhausting... but in the end it'll be worth it" she explained receiving a nod from both women "babe what do you think?" Maya asked, looking over to Carina, who currently had tears running down her cheek, however this wasn't sad crying... this was relieved, happy crying. "Sì Sì let's do it" she replied, as Maya wiped away her tears before placing a soft kiss to her cheek.

"It'll all be alright my love" the blonde soothed, using the hand that was interlocked with the Italians to pull her closer into a tight hug. Maya wrapped her arms around her wife, whispering into her ear to sooth her. Maya looked over the brunettes shoulder, mouthing a thank you to doctor Richardson, who just smiled and left them to have some alone time.

After Carina finished crying, she lifted her head up to see Maya staring back at her. "This is it..." Maya whispered, using her left hand to push a loose piece of hair behind Carina's ear. "We can get through this" Carina said, talking to herself mainly, but knowing that's what Maya was also telling herself.

After Dr Richardson told them the amazingly good news, both women made their way back to Jamie's room. "Hey buddy" Maya said, watching as Jamie slowly turned his head to be welcomed by his mother "hi mommy" he croaked out, his throat being incredibly dry.

Both Maya and carina had decided not to tell their son the good news, they didn't want him to get excited just in case, and heaven forbid this from happening... the surgery failing.

"Tell mommy what we're watching" Andy said, being able to finally visit. "Fire man Sam mommy" Jamie responded, knowing that his mother was a fire fighter, and loving the job that she did.

"Oh wow... I watched this show when you were first born" she explained, all the memories suddenly flooding back to her. "Daddy watched this video with me" he said, making the room go quiet for a moment before Maya spoke. "Do you miss him babe?" She asked, knowing that even though he was young when her brother passed, he still missed his father. "Mhm yes mommy" he nodded.

"Ok so bambino, I was thinking the twins could come and say hi today? What do think?" She asked, receiving a smile from her son, and a little smile. "Mhm I've missed them" he replied. "Alright I'll go get them Bella" Carina said, leaning in to place a kiss to the blondes cheek, before making her way over to Jamie and placing a kiss to the top of his head, and then exiting the hospital.

About an hour later, Carina arrived back at the hospital with the twins, Mateo and Georgia. "Look who came to say hello" Maya said, as she grabbed Mateo from Carina's arms and rested him on her hip, whilst she took hold of Georgia's hand and walked over to Jamie. "Amie" Georgia said, not quite being able to talk properly yet. "Yeahhh it's Jamie Bella" Carina praised, wanting to support her daughter whilst she was learning to talk, knowing it was hard.

The visit from the twins was nice, they hadn't been able to see Jamie for a while. "Right say goodbye to your brother" Maya said, watching as both twins waved goodbye and followed Maya out of the hospital room. "Bye bambino" Carina said, as she  placed a kiss to Mateos cheek before moving to Georgia and doing the same thing. "Ciao Mama" Mateo said, he was the better one with his speech.

"I love you both" she added, before kissing Maya on the forehead lingering for a moment, before she leaned away and then softly rubbed their noses together. "I love you Bella" she whispered, watching as the blonde smiled "I love you more" she replied. Maya made her way back home to drop of the twins and say hello to Lexie, she wasn't able to visit due to being at school at the time.

Both women were at the hospital, Carina was laying on the sofa bed, whilst Maya was on top of her resting her head against the brunettes chest, nuzzling her face into her neck at times, loving the feel of comfort and warmth it brought.

Carina was running her hands up and down her wife's back, softly scratching her soft milky skin. Her fingertips moved across the length of her back, they started to get higher and made their way into the blondes soft, silky hair. Massaging her scalp, listening to the snores that came from her wife. Such a peaceful setting yet such a tragic place to be in.

Carina felt relieved when she heard the news about Jamie's cure to recovery. However she couldn't help but feel scared, even though the doctor had told them that this was likely to cure him, there were failed attempts, she was just praying to every god that it wasn't her son that had to be one of those failed attempts.

She wasn't going to worry right now though, she was just going to live in the moment, with her beautiful wife... content and safe.

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