Chapter 37: Happy birthday

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Both POV:

"Jamie buddy my beautiful boy wake up" Maya whispered as she and Carina sat at the end of the bed whilst Lexi made her way over to her brother to crawl into the bed. "Jamiiiiiie!" Lexi screamed making both women giggle at the little girls actions, "bubba don't scream in his ear" the blonde said smiling at her daughter as she softly shook her son. "Buddy wake up" she whispered again stroking his hair softly. "Mmmmm" he mumbled turning over on his back rubbing his eyes adjusting to the light welcoming his vision, "guess who's the birthday boy today" the brunette said as she made her way over to her son and sat next to him, "me" he responded smiling at the pancakes covered with chocolate sauce and strawberries that the brunette was holding suddenly feeling wide awake. "For me?" He asked eyes lighting up at the nod from his mother, "Sì bambino for you" she relied helping him sit up and lean his back up against the pillows, "yummy... gimme" he said making both women smile at his chocolate obsession. "Jamie could I have a stwawberrie?" She asked loving the look of her brothers breakfast, "yes you can Lex" he replied grabbing a strawberry for his sister as he fed it to her. Maya grabbed her phone out and took a photo of the sweet moment the two were sharing, "what do you want to do today" Carina asked as she too grabbed a strawberry off of the boys plate shoving it in her mouth before Jamie could say anything. "Moma" he said laughing at his mother's silly actions. "Ummmm I wanna go to the book store" he said after a few seconds, "Sì we can do that" the brunette replied turning around to face her wife, "yea we can definitely do that" she nodded smiling at her sons obsession for books even at such a young age he could read books the age of 8-9. "Right grab your shoes Lex" she said to her daughter as she grabbed her keys off of the cabinet and helped her wife put her jacket on, "thank you my love" Carina said leaning in to kiss the blonde on the lips, "mmmmmm minty strawberries" she said smiling into the kiss. "Right Jamie my boy pick a few books" the blonde said as she stood in the library children's section waiting for her son to choose his selection. "This one" he said after a few minutes of silence as he grabbed the book from the shelf holding it up to his mom. "Ooo Yh that looks cool bud" she nodded as he showed her a science book about bugs and insects, "it tells you about the ants and the ladybirds" he informed the older woman as she stood there nodding to everything he was telling her. After about 15 minutes In the book store scanning and picking out books they were finally finished and made their way out to Carina and Lexi. "Hey bambino what did you get" she asked as she linked her arm with the blondes and began to walk, "but books and a story about how rockets are engineered" he replied smiling at the choice he had made exited to read them later on. "Ok where next bud?" The blonde asked as she lifted her son up and rested him on her hip, he was getting heavier and heavier everyday. "Ice cream" he relied pointing over to the scoops that filled the street, "okkkk Scoops it is!" She replied as she put Jamie back down and started to walk to the shop with her family. "Bubble gum please momma" Lexi said as she pointed to the glass that presented all the different flavours of ice cream, "Jamie bubs?" The blonde asked as she waited for him to pick one, "the chocolate please" he replied as he too pointed to the ice cream he wanted, "babe?" She asked looking at her wife as she waited for a response, "I think the twins want a waffle" she responded rubbing her stomach. "I'll take one too" she said liking the idea of a strawberry waffle, "ok can I have one bubblegum and chocolate ice cream and two strawberry waffles please" she said getting her purse out ready to pay the woman at the till. "Ok that'll be £20.00 please mam" she said as she waited for the money, "here" the blonde said as she handed the woman the money before putting her purse away again. "Here are your ice creams and your waffles will be ready in about 15 minutes" she said as she handed the blonde the two ice creams not wanting her children to drop them, Jamie still had his cast so she didn't want him to fall over or drop it. "Ok go sit down and you can eat" she said as she guided her children over to a table. "Gimme" Lexie said as she extended her arms out motioning for her ice cream, "please sweetheart" Carina said wanting her daughter to have manners, "please gimme mommy" she said smiling softly at her mother making the blondes heart melt, "ok here you both go" she said as she gave her children their ice creams, "thanks mom" Jamie replied as he licked the melted piece of ice cream off of the cone. When they had finished going to the bookstore and scoops they made their way home, the brunette making dinner and the blonde sat on the sofa with Lexi, whilst Jamie was sat on the armchair reading, "oh Carina presents" she said remembering her sons presents that were on the floor, "ahhh ok let me wash my hands and I'll be over" she replied. Once all family members were ready they started to open Jamie's presents, "Carina record this babes" she said wanting to remember this moment.
"Oooooo insect kit" Jamie said kicking his feet and shaking the box, "carful bud" the blonde giggled not wanting him to break it, "thanks mom thanks mama" he said leaning over to hug both women. When they got to the last present both women sat in anticipation as they watched him open his scooter, "ahhhhhh" Jamie screamed jumping up and down as he saw the picture on the box. "You like it bambino?" Carina asked as she watched her son dance around exited for his new gift, "can we try it?" he asked "not tonight bubs but tomorrow it's too late now" the blonde replied feeling slightly guilty but knowing she was right. After dinner they were all still sat around the table, "cakkkkke" Jamie said still somehow hungry after that big meal. "Ok bambino cake it is" the brunette said as she grabbed the plates and made her way into the kitchen, "Babe I'll help" the blonde said as she helped with the plates and also made her way into the kitchen. "Happy birthday too you..." they started to sing holding his cake. "Ahhhhh" Jamie squealed as he saw his birthday cake, it was a chocolate cake covered in fondant, covered in fondant bugs and a big magnifying glass in the middle. "Blow the candles bud" Maya said placing the cake in front of the her son smiling at his big smile. Carina took this as her cue to take photos, "smile bambino" she said as she got a big cheesy grin from the blonde boy.

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