Chapter 52: Surgery

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Both POV:

It has been a month since they went to see Dr Richardson about the vomiting, it had been happening almost everyday. Jamie was progressively getting sicker, it killed both women to watch their child go through it without being able to do anything about it. Well today was one of those days that Maya dreaded but was also exited for, they were going to attempt to try and remove the cancer, but as a doctor Carina knows how tough that can be and has lost patients because of it before, but preyed that wasn't the case with Jamie. It was December Jamie was told that he has to spend the holidays in the hospital, making him upset, but if Maya was certain of one thing... it was to give him the best Christmas possible.

"Ok you have everything?" Carina asked as she grabbed Jamie's bag, she was going to meet Maya at the hospital with Lexie and the twins, Mateo and Georgia had started crawling and walking so Maya thought it would be a good idea to get some practice, and take along with them. "Mhm" he nodded grabbing his beanie from the bed and placing it on his head knowing his mother insisted on it due to the weather being quite cold, even more so with bare skin. "Let's go then" she said as she grabbed her sons hand guiding him out of the house.

Once they arrived at the hospital they spotted maya juggling three kids on her own, making Carina smile at the blondes attempts to stop the twins from running off "this ones being a little monster" the blonde said as she lifted Mateo up and tickled him making the little boy giggle in return. "Hey buddy, you ready?" Maya asked knowing today was a big day, sensing the boy was a little nervous, that was to be expected, she received a nod.

"Hey guys come on in" Dr Richardson greeted as she opened her office door letting both women and her children follow behind her. "Pretty" Lexie said pointing at the woman "thank you sweetheart" she replied smiling softly at the little girl. "Ok Jamie today's a big day how you feeling?" She asked placing her hands on her desk, a pen resting in between two fingers getting ready to jot anything down that she needed to. "Good" he replied shrugging his shoulders dismissing the question, not really wanting to open up to her. "Are you sure because if there's anything wrong you know we can help" she continued knowing the little boy was scared just not admitting it, "it's alright buddy you can tell her" maya urged moving her hand so it was resting on his back stroking it soothingly. "I'm scared... what if I die, a-and I- I don't want to" he sobbed pushing his head into the brunettes chest as she lifted him from the chair and into her lap, Maya felt her heart shatter slightly but decided to give him some space to express his emotions without the Twins and Lexie observing. "Thank you Bella" Carina mouthed as she watched her wife escort the other children out of the office, "ok you listen to me... I won't lie to you, this procedure is risky no one knows what's going to happen, but I do know that you are very brave you've done so well so far, you can get through it" she said really hoping Jamie did pull through this, he was one of her favourites, yes it was bad to get attached but that was part of the job. "Mhm" he nodded wiping his eyes, accepting the tissue the doctor gave him, using it to wipe away the tears staining his soft skin. "Right then I'll give you some time alone, but would you be up there in about 20" she said needing to prep him for surgery, "Sì ok thank you" Carina said noticing Jamie calming down and more relaxed, "you got this my little champ" she said taking his beanie off to rub his bald forehead placing a soft kiss to it before putting the beanie back on. "I love you mumma" he sighed leaning in further to his 
mothers touch, "I love you too bambino... so much" she replied wiping a stray tear away not letting it fall.

Maya had came back into the office having her time with Jamie, Carina leaving so she could be alone with her son. "Ok let's go" Maya breathed after some time, lifting Jamie up not wanting him to walk too much, knowing he can get out of breath easily.

They made their way up to the kids unit seeing Dr Richardson at the end of the corridor they were told to go to. "Hi alright Jamie you ready?" She asked holding her hand out waiting for the little boy to accept it and walk into the room with her.
Jamie was now ready and prepped for surgery, Maya had to admit he did look pretty adorable in the shower cap they gave him. Andrew had made his way to the hospital, it was his day off but he chose to meet the women their so he could babysit their other children and to also say hi to his pal Jamie.

"Look who's here" Carina said watching as Jamie's face lit up into a smile giggling as the older man danced his way into the room. "You're silly" he chuckled, as he started to get wheeled out of the room on their way to the OR, "you'll do great" Andrew said leaning down to place a kiss to his forehead breathing in the scent of their little boy.

Maya and Carina said their goodbyes, Carina instantly broke as soon as he was out of sight, letting every emotion she was feeling come crashing down on her, this was all they had to do was just sit there and wait, wait to see if their little boy would survive this disease or be in a better place with his father. Heaven.....

What will happen next?

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