Chapter 47: Lexies birthday

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Both POV:

"You stay there bambino" Carina said not wanting him to move too much, "ok mama" he replied moving his eyes back to the Tv as the brunette left the living room to wake Lexie up. "Bella" she whispered stroking her hair softly and rubbing her thumb over the skin, sadly Maya had got called in for a shift at the station so she she had to leave early but would be back later. "Mmm" she grumbled turning her head around looking at her mother, "it's your birthday Bella" she told her making the blondes head whip up from the pillow in excitement, "birthday!" She repeated jumping out of her bed and straight into the living room, "presents!" She shouted as she jumped up and down excitedly. "Calm down Bella" the brunette giggled walking over to her daughter and grabbing her phone from the coffee table so she could record it."where's mommy?" She asked wanting to see her mother, "she had to fight a fire sweetie she'll be back soon my love" she replied feeling guilty for her daughter but knowing it wasn't the end of the world and that she'd manage.

After Lexie had opened her presents Carina made them all some breakfast choosing to make the blondes favourite. "Bella it's ready" she called from the kitchen watching as she ran into the kitchen and climbed up onto one of the bar stalls, "mmmmm that looks good momma" she said watching as Carina poured chocolate source on the pancakes and then some whipped cream. "Ok eat" she told her watching as she dived in with her knife and fork, "yummy" she said with a mouth full of food, the brunette didn't say anything and just laughed at her daughter. "Jamie bambino breakfast" the contrast between Lexie and her son is that the blonde seemed happy but as the days went by Jamie seemed to be looking even sicker and it broke both Carina and Maya. He was currently wrapped up in a blanket his temperature always spiking meant he was either always hot or the opposite "Oh bambino you look awful" she said walking over to the boy and leaning down so she was level with him "my tummy hurts" he said "ok well I think you're due your medicine anyway" she replied standing up straight and walking back into the kitchen so she could grab the medicine.

"Hey babe" she heard a familiar voice say as she turned around and saw Maya walk through the door, "hi Bella" she said making her way over to her wife kissing her dirty cheek, "ewww" she did not realise she was covered in soot, making Maya chuckle "calm down I'm going to take a shower now" she said kissing Carina softly on the cheek before walking off to their bathroom.

"Mommy!" Lexie exclaimed glad to see her mother "hey there birthday girl" she said lifting the blonde up to rest on her hip, "I got a scooter!" she exclaimed exited about her new toy, "Ooooo we'll have to take you out on it later" she said earning a smile from the blonde before she was placed back down on the floor. "Hey there buddy" she said sitting down at the end of the couch placing Jamie's feet on her lap so she could rub them, "hi mommy" he replied voice a little scratchy, "have you had a drink today?" she asked knowing it was important for him to keep his fluids up. He shook his head making the blonde sigh standing up to go in the kitchen, "hey Mateo" she said to the little boy sat in his highchair, the twins were now 6 months old growing up more and more everyday. "Hey Bella" Carina said watching Maya pour Jamie a glass of milk, "he wouldn't take it earlier" she added trying to get him to drink but having failed, "well he's taking it now" she replied smiling softly at her wife before walking back into the living room. "Drink please" she said handing him the glass, Jamie took the milk from the blonde and drank it knowing Maya can be very stern when she needed to be, "good boy nice and slow" she soothed not wanting him to drink to fast, "nice?" She asked watching him lick his lips and nod. "Your checkups next week exited to see Dr Richardson again?" She asked knowing Jamie liked the woman, he nodded turning his head away from the blonde trying to get comfy, "me sleep now" she heard him say watching his eyes close and then a few minutes later quiet little snores escape his lips.

They were now doing Lexie's cake choosing to buy her a rainbow  strawberry cake, "ok...happy birthday to you..." Maya started as she went into the dining room with the cake in her hands, the brunette next to her recording the whole thing. "Happy birthday Lexie happy birthday to you" they finished watching as the little girls face lit up when she saw the cake, "pretty!" She shouted pointing to her cake, "Sì Bambina" Carina giggled, "ok blow out the candles" Maya said watching as she hesitated, "Jamie blow them with?" She asked looking at her mother and then back to the boy, "Sì Bella that's fine" Carina smiled finding it sweet she wanted her big brother to join in, "ayyyyy!" both women exclaimed watching as both children blew out the candles, "happy birthday Lex" Jamie said kissing her cheek before making his way back to the couch, "do you want to try a bit of cake buds" Maya asked knowing Jamie could never say no to cake, "maybe a little slice please" he replied making both women smile, that's their boy.


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