Chapter 27: Home sweet home Pt2

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Both POV:

No it couldn't be... why was she here at our home? She said she was looking for me but why? "Arizona?" I asked not really believing it was her. "Hey" she said giving her a little wave. "Oh lovely to meet you" she said holding her hand out to Maya, "I'm guessing your Carinas girlfriend?" She asked smiling softly at the blonde. "Yes I am, and you are?" She asked still confused, "Oh sorry Arizona Robbins your girlfriends Ex girlfriend" she responded. "Oh I see" Maya replied looking back at Carina. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't make myself very clear did I? I need to talk to Carina about something" she said pointing to the brunette, "Sì come in" she said welcoming the women into their home. "Are you sure?" She asked the blonde making sure she was ok with this. "Sure I don't see why not" she responded letting the other woman into their home. "Ok what's wrong she asked" sitting on the couch with the other blonde. "Well it's about Callie... I want her back but I don't know how to" she explained telling them everything about the past few months. Maya was slightly relieved that she had no competition and knowing she didn't want her girlfriend was also good. "Ok well does she want you?" The brunette asked breaking Maya from her thoughts, "I think so" she said explaining more about how they've been for the previous months. "Do you want anything to drink Arizona?" She asked trying to make herself useful. "Umm yes please coffee" she responded smiling back at her politely, "anything baby?" She asked seeing if her girlfriend also wanted something. "Sì can I have a glass of water?" She asked smiling at the blonde for being so calm in this situation. Maya went into the kitchen and got busy with the drinks. "So your happy hmmm?" She heard Arizona ask, "yes so happy I never thought I would be again ever since..." she replied pointing between her and the blonde sat next to her referring to their relationship. "That's really good I'm happy for you" she told her honestly, "she seems really nice" she added. "Sì she is" they continued talking until they heard a cry, "MAMMMA" she heard Jamie cry out and she immediately new the little boy wanted her, "sorry two seconds" she said excusing herself from their conversation. "Hello Bambino what's wrong hmmmm it's so late baby boy" she said Soothing him. Whilst Carina was soothing Jamie Maya had finished their drinks, "I didn't know you were parents" Arizona said breaking the silence. "Oh well we're not really, Carina is new to this but so am I... my brother recently passed away so I had to take in his son, Jamie he's 2 and a few months but he loves us both like moms and calls us Mommy and momma" she finished. "Ahhh well sorry to hear about your brother, that's nice though about Jamie , I have a daughter called Sofia and my ex wife Callie had her and made her with our old friend Mark, he passed as well but I'm still her mommy no matter if it's not by blood" she replied. "Ahhh sorry about your friend, and I guess we have a lot in common then" the blonde replied giggling whilst taking a seat on the other couch. "How is he babe?" Maya asked her girlfriend, as she came out of his room, "Sì he's ok I think he's teething again it feels like he's got a few coming through" she replied grabbing the water from the table and taking a sip. "Sofia was a nightmare teething" she said joining the convention, "ahhh most babies are" the brunette replied. After 10 minutes Arizona had finished her coffee and stood up to leave, "ok well thanks for the advice Carina, I didn't want to go back to the hospital and get anyone too exited because I'm leaving again" she said hugging both women before making her way to the door, "Sì it's ok I was happy to help tell me how it goes" she replied escorting the blonde out of their home, "will do bye!" She heard before closing the door behind her. "You ok baby" the brunette asked making sure she wasn't too upset, "I'm fine babe she was really nice and obviously didn't intend on doing what I thought she was" she replied making her way over to her girlfriend, "I'm sorry we couldn't finish" She told her getting closer to the brunette wrapping her toned arms around her slender form, "what do you mean? We can finish now"' she said as the blonde pulled her into their bedroom, making them both giggle.

Authors note:

Don't worry guys it's all good calm down. Breath!

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