Chapter 7: Coffee and kisses

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Insta: @mc_dreamyslayed (edit account)
TikTok: @mc_dreamyslayed

It was currently 8:30 Maya had booked the day off work to settle Jamie into his new home, she hadn't yet brought all of his belongings from her brothers home yet, but she was going to do that later in the week when she had time.

"Ok buddy I'm coming" she said to herself as she heard crying come from the spare room Jamie was in.

"Hey hey hey, what's up buddy" she said picking up the screaming baby in her arms bouncing him up and down softly.

"Shhhh it's ok, I'm here" she told him rubbing his back to calm him down.

"Baby shhh it's ok I'm here" she continued to whisper in his ear as she walked up and down the room with the toddler wrapped in her arms.

After about 10 minutes the cry's started to stop, the blonde continued to sooth the child in her arms until her phone rang.

"Hello?" She asked, confused at the caller ID.

"Bambina it's me" she heard one of her favourite voices.

"Oh hi Carina what's up?" she asked not understanding how the brunette got her number. "

"Umm coffee?" the Italian replied. "Shit! Carina I'm so sorry I forgot" the blonde said suddenly feeling guilty.

"It's ok Bella" she heard Carina tell her "I'm so sorry, Jamie woke me up crying and I must have lost track of time, I'm not used to sleeping in this late. "Bambina it's no issue, could I come over, I bought you a coffee and bagel anyway" ughhh this woman was a GODESS she thought to herself. "Ugh that would be amazing, I'll send my address. Oh and carina..."

"Sì?" the brunette asked. "How'd you get my number?" The blonde asked smiling at the fact the brunette managed to get her number without her even giving it to her.

"Teddy gave it to me" she heard the blonde respond, "good to know" Maya said as she placed the phone behind her ear keeping it up by pressing her shoulder against it, and softly putting Jamie back down on the blow up bed.

"Ok well I better be going your coffee will get cold" she heard Carina tell her, "ok well thank you again, I'll send you the address now it's not too long away from the hospital" she told her not wanting the brunette to walk to much. "Sì ok bye Bella" that was the last she heard from the woman as she hung up the phone and walked back out of the guest room to tidy up a bit so it would be at least some what tidy before she arrived. About 15 minutes later she heard a light knock on her door, Maya checked herself in the mirror before opening the door to the beautiful Italian holding 2 coffees and 2 bagels. "Your a life saver you know that right?" the blonde told her before offering Carina to walk in. "Sorry it's messy I'm not normally home, but it's a lot different when there's a baby living here" she told the woman hoping she wouldn't mind the mess. "Bambina stop worrying, you don't have to explain yourself to me" the blonde smiled at hearing the brunette being so understanding. "You mentioned Jamie crying is he alright." "Yh I think he's ok, I think it's just weird him not waking up to his father, he'll get used to it. I'm glad he's young so he doesn't really understand what's happened" the blonde explained taking her coffee from Carina and sitting down on the sofa. The brunette followed her taking a seat next to maya and taking a sip from her coffee cup. "How have you been since I last saw you yesterday?" She asked wanting to know more about the beautiful brunette currently sat next to her on the couch. "I've been good, I go back to surgeries next week so that's something to look forward too"the brunette responded "when do you go back to work?" The Italian asked. "That's good. I had some sick days saved up so I took about a week off just to get him settled and to find a daycare" the blonde said taking a sip of her coffee and a bite from her bagel. "That's good... ummm, Maya are we going to talk about what we are?" The blonde was a bit taken aback by the brunettes forwardness, but had been thinking about it herself when she had the spare time. "Well... what do you want to be?" She asked waiting to see what the older woman thought of this. "Well... I like you and I think you like me, but I want to take you on a few dates first before we sleep together just to know this is serious and I'm not just one of your pleasure toys." Again taken aback by the brunettes bluntness, she sat up straight and placed her coffee down on the table next to the couch, clearing her throat slightly. "Hmmm, Carina if you were just a 'pleasure toy' then do you think I'd be sat here right now drinking coffee with you? And yes I like you, I thought I made that very clear yesterday with the kiss." She saw the Italians face light up at her words and shuffled a little closer towards the blonde. "Are you free Saturday?" She asked. "Well I'd have to get someone to watch Jamie but yes I think I'd be free" she responded smirking at the woman next to her. As they sat there in silence she felt a sudden urge to kiss her again, so she lent forward the couple of cm's she needed to to reach the brunettes lips in a soft passionate kiss.

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