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Beam knew kit well right from their childhood as they were family Friends he was always there with him in thick and thin of kit's life until they join University joining in university Beam was totally in love with forth he was head over heels for him for all four years but he couldn't propose to him, he left kit to his own, their conversations turned less, and they don't meet each other in their homes for lunch and dinner's because beam was always engrossed with forth and his parties he is mostly a outgoing person who never cares for anything after being rejected by forth he turned a little of introvert but soon he recovered himself and dating kit now he is happy with how his life is going on good career and a boyfriend is all enough to make himself and lead a good life he is not having any burdens and he is happy as he is!

Coming to Kit, felt so lonely in his home as his father was Always busy building his privilege and territory and his name he never liked to have a word with his step mae and interested to get close to his step brother, he felt so lonely when beam left him he tried to talk out with him but he was scared to lose his friendship with him he tried desperate attempts to get close to beam but all his attempts went unnoticed by beam and In turn he got to hurt more

After forth left him for one year kit felt beam getting close to him once again but he never dared to express his love he stood as a friend to beam supporting him until forth returns

Kit felt so bad when forth return he was happy as a friend his Friend was returning after a long time but looking at beam being happy as if he was having a long distance relationship with forth made him distressed

When Ming got married to forth, beam was devastated he is drinking in bars and getting wasted he couldn't see him spoiling his health, the beam he once know was very cheerful, play boy, but a honest person and a best friend to kit but even knowing the dejected beam was so selfish and terrible he went to the extent to harm his little brother, yet kit cannot stop loving beam

kit used to take care of beam and thought some senses into his brain everyday beam would end up in bars after hurting Ming and kissing forth he felt that kiss has no butterflies it was so opposite the kiss doesn't show him any wet dreams his heart was normal, kissing forth he felt like a saint and terrible, thinking that is not love and just a mere attraction of forth's best friend nature which turned for beam to have a misunderstanding he misunderstood forth actions as love instead of a care from a best friend.

With kit help he tried to behave normally and went to foreign studies he don't want to show his face to his best friend's

When he was in foreign he missed kit care and affection towards him he was missing kit badly, but he didn't let that feel spoil them he thought he was again misreading his another friend care and he kept silent but heart was craving for kit remembering him their childhood memories of casting a sand house in beach, playing Scrabble , watching cartoons, sharing home works , playing together, sharing snacks and lunch from one box, helping in assignment and exams shopping together, going to dinners and bars and drinking wasting their blood with alcohol, enjoying city life going on night rides, sharing chocolates every bit of memory made him run back to kit after one year

But he was not sure of his emotions he don't want to repeat his mistakes he was testing himself and asking him repeatedly if it's love or just friendship slowly he started to guess kit actions towards him.

The way kit felt shy to change his dress In front of him, and when he kissed him for first time on his forehead how kit went emotional and told him about his feelings All the things one one by gave him a clear feeling

They gave each other time to get to know their feelings well they held onto each other like best friends which soon turned into love

Beam always gives him few minutes of his busy schedule to kit who was busy as well they used to go on dates and finally they were one now, who recognise their feelings like every other couple and started their relationship as boyfriends

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