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{next day morning after gender revealing}

Ming and forth having walk in the beach they took a pause when ming held forth hand and slips it under his lose tee "did you feel that?"

"he is kicking" forth giggled with tears forming in his eyes and ming sniffled "he is kicking more," he laughed few more times, they are smiling to each other forth says "no wonder he did not let you sleep,"

Ming nod with a smile "I think he is a morning person he keeps on waking me up in early morning,"

"like me," forth smirked

Ming laughed "oh my god, I am having two morning people around me,"

He gives a proud smirk and a wink, ming hits on forth chest and they holds each other hands and continued to walk seeing some happy families "cannot wait,"

Hearing ming comment he tighten their hold "me too..." he dropped a kiss on ming knuckles as they keep walking


Next day park woke up with lam questioning him he is feeling shy to answer "I am good,"

Late at night lam brought park back to their suit room and cleaned up they drifted to sleep today morning he took park to suit bathroom to give him a warm bath he was settled behind park dropping kisses on the tattooed shoulder he is asking park if he is doing good and park nod he was doing good

He is feeling shy for lam engulfing him into a back hug he was all naked the awareness of being more visible is making him shy he hugged his knees while lam pulled him into hard chest he fell limp with lam eloping him into strong protective arms he feel so warm with luke warm water and lam arms surrounding him taking into different world, he felt lam was tracing his wrist tattoo he looks down to lam fingers tracing around the wrist with his thumb he quickly wants to hide his wrist but lam hissed preventing him from hiding he felt lam leaving warm breaths over his wet neck skin and thick pad of thumb caressing his wrist tattoo he trembled and moaned as lam was kissing his neck into a bite he gasped holding his moan

"don't control, you gave me your control buttons last night, you don't have any right to control yourself," he warned him pulling park more into his chest park was hugging his knees he was completely moulding into lam chest he just want to be buried into lam chest

Tears picking his closed eyes feeling lam palms and fingers giving a good rub on shoulder joints making his limbs get relaxed he is adding a bit pressure to neck bone and rubbing with good massage "Dr.Drake said your improving these days,"

He sat in silence as lam speaking and good a massage to his tired limbs feeling lam fingers on his shoulder tattoo and another on his hip tattoo he tried to move away but lam caged him whispering "you cannot runaway after giving me all rights,"

He sobbed feeling anxiety he started shivering and could not break free while lam whispering some soothing words trying to make him calm he held park head to lean on his hard chest he giving a good rub circling his scalp asking him to relax

Giving a fresh warm bath they both dressed up park is being ever so silent and lam is leading a one-man show he looks to wad mostly avoiding him he checked his temperature and talked with his therapist about park is doing good and nothing to worry but he was still angry on park hurting his skin, the tattoo bleed his skin and he must be swell with red bruises for a whole month.

"park, you are so smart you avoided me for one whole month to heal from tattoos?"

Park did not raise his head he sat on couch staring to the glass window

"giving me silence," he bantered joining park in couch he brought him onto his lap while park squealed stifling an yelp, lam worried "sorry,"

He shook his head still feeling tired from last night he looks to lam feeling "can we do it now," he asked feeling jittery with lam holding him close he getting anxiety he don't want those traces of memories to disturb their date again lam will be busy working he wholesomely wants lam attention and concentration on him he wants to heal quick and remove those memories of those monsters eating him he looks to lam eyes turning liquid "please,"

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