83.Fourth month II: Unfolding

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A media channel anchor was verbalising Media news was giving briefing on political party leader Rojanpat , "the union party leader the next mayor of Thailand, Mr.Rojanpat is paying a visit to his wife who is still in coma, the new candidate member shed tears for his wife who is still in comma he said "I want my wife to wake up and smile for me" this sentence is causing an emotional stir in the citizens where as other candidate parties are making statements like 'using pity and sentiment will never make him a mayor'

Forth ask his mother "...mae, is not the women you mentioned to me, your friends Ms.Mara"

Jessy nod "..yeah, hope arthit is doing okay"

Forth made a phone call to lam "...hello lam, are you watching news"

"how is arthit?"

"...Kongpob is there with him, he is planning to visit his mother today"

"okay take care," and looks to park who is stiffen and stuck with the news


Forth voice brought him back to the present "..yes.s yes.s phee" he shutters

"what happen? Did you get disturbed from news?"

Park nods with sweat tricking down his forehead

"...don't stress, stop watching news" he suggest And park nods turning off the TV

Forth holds ming hand "mae, we are going hospital"

Sing stands up "I am taking park for the therapy session" he says

And both ria and jessy nods

"shall I drop you on my way" forth ask

And sing mentions "...I have Drake's car with me,"

Forth coughs "....someone is dating already, yeah you kid, I appointed doctor for your brother therapy, and you switched up" he teases

And news blushes bright red and ming gives him curious and teasing eyes "...you have to explain me every detail" he ask and sing nods with a shy smile

"whoa..phee did you see sing is shying" he shook his head

"...he is not innocent anymore" forth teases further more gaining more laughter form elders and sing dragging park along with him

"...don't runaway" ming yells and sings runs out with park

And then forth and ming were paused by their parents to take good care and don't think much, they will decide once they find what the reports are saying!

everyone are saying the same they don't want to risk ming, but for ming he is searching for every possible way on how to carry his baby and give birth to a healthy child, he is searching for possibilities and ready to risk everything for his baby while everyone are getting worried about him, he knew forth is the same, he is so much worried what will the reports will say?

Forth only thoughts are what if something happens which they never thought to happen? how will he coax ming for termination while ming is going to risk everything he is willing to carry baby!

hearing everyone are on same page ming is sad he had his head down in disappointment why don't anyone cannot understand his pain, his trust and willingness in giving birth to baby, when he was confident others are being worried about him, he knew no matter what he is going to say or argue they won't listen to him, he never argued with elders and protest them, especially Jessy he respect her so much and he knew the look in her eyes she did not spoke a word, he do know jessy is waiting for a good news from him, even though she is worried about ming health she did not dare to speak a word about baby and ming surely understand what it is! She wants him give birth to baby and at the same time she is worried about her son in law, may be she is waiting to see today's reports and later they will discuss on what to do! while ria and forth are giving up on baby they are adamant they are not going to risk ming health!

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