44.Birthday evening-Finding out

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Birthday evening

Forth understand it is his first time to drop ming to his workplace the morning quarrel was sudden which he never expected the break out through ming he left ming for fifteen days but every day his thoughts shuffle to and fro about his husband yet he don't dare to come out of his closet all he wanted to do was hide from everyone not only ming infact he couldn't bare the idea of leaving ming behind but all the difficult scenarios playing in his head about his friends always backstabbing him, it was a hard time of recovery from his five years of first love not everyone but like few people, his first love is a failure.

At first he did not expect himself to fall in love with the latter person but finally he did falling for her as quick as she fell for him, like any other lovers they also experienced most beautiful moments in their journey of togetherness but like so many first loves their first love did not last forever

After two years of battle, upon requesting from his father as a responsible and dotting son of the family he accepted to marry ming the day he accepted he finally told to himself that he should never be remaining in memories of his first love, what happen is happen! he thought to live in present the relevation it occur after two years of his devasting five years long love break up, he know for him it was hard to fall in love with unfamiliar person but even then he thought he could do it because every person crave for that love,care and live a happy life leading a happy family, he was so involved in starting his second half with his life partner whoever it may be, though he know it will take time he thought he can do it and when he thought to have dates with his life partner he was told that ming was busy and he just never pressured ming, as after wedding they will have time to know each other, it was just like a trail and error method for him if they success they will continue living a happy life if they fail they can have their separate ways because he once failed in long love so he don't have any confidence to fall in love and date , he thought that is a waste of process and he is not intrested to share his life with anyone after the bitter memory although he know it was mostly like a arrange marriage with some business proposal he thought to make his life better leaving it to luck and fate

Luckily he fell for ming and the latter ming was fallen to forth and he was happy that ming made his present beautiful and showing a way for their future he saw himself in ming, ming is everything for him, so he did not want him to know any of his past because that is a bitter memory which he left in past he don't want to bring it into his happy life he just want to surf in the beautiful moments of ming and then suddenly he felt his happy moments with ming got haunt with the bitter memory he felt he has nowhere to escape

He suddenly felt breathless when ming question him, he thought it was an end for his happy relationship he don't want to face his past and answer their questions it was a suffocation which is why he left for fifteen days he did not understand his abnormal behaviour he took time to heal his heart from the misery but he actually did not think about ming misery he made him suffer with his actions but forth got disturbed by his friends and he felt he was making ming life more difficult with his problems

And today rewinding all the fifteen days he felt absurd to waste his days being away from his sweetheart finally he recognized ming is the person whom he wants and nothing matters he suddenly flet like a victim of an untold story which he never like to bring it up , it was his past which he buried undergrounds and now suddenly he felt his soul has snuck out breath but whatever his anxiety in sharing his past with ming everything has vanished when ming did not left him he still was beside him he trust forth with his life, ming was his cure and again in todays quarrel forth understand how much ming loves him he was the one being absurd by leaving him alone which he felt dejected at his own behavior feeling gloomy instead of escaping he should have faced the truth instead of bearing something in his mind he should have told ming about his past

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