79.will you marry me?

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It was the day kit is sitting in his father cabin "what did you decide?"

Kit gives pleading eyes to his father "porr please I still want sometime"

Jack glares his son tired and sad face "are you worried about marriage?"

"porr, I don't want to get marry, I am still twenty nine I will once I am ready..." kit words died down as he could not scrabble any more excuses he knew those are the lame excuses any child would give to their parent when they ask them to get married

"soon to be thirty and you brother ming got married at the age of twenty and he is happy now," jack state to his son distressed face

"but I don't want to do it now,"

"do you have someone in your heart?"

Kit shook his head "no porr, its..it's I don't like mike"

Jack squared his shoulders "tell me one reason you don't like mike, everyone can say how handsome and smart working, he is a bureaucrat son who can increase our hospital standards, he is suitable to stand beside you and you both make a good looking couple"

Kit wet his dry lips "I want to go for higher studies"

"you want to run away from marriage, when I ask you to study you refused and now you want to go for higher studies"

Kit eyes were forming tears "I don't know, I don't like mike, he is being advantageous with me..."

Jack grins at his son innocence "so mike is already proving you"

Kit shakes his head in disappointment "porr you're getting wrong"

Jack eyes darken "if its ming,..you know what I would do by now! I gave you enough of time, be ready for engagement I am confident with mike being my son in law"

"...porr, I..."

"where were you last night?"

Kit turned deadpan silence at the tone which he is hearing is different

"is it really a friends chilling or you spending time with your hideous boyfriend"

Kit gulped "I don't have anyone porr,"

"good, be ready by evening we're going to get your engagement suit"

"Porr my decision is final, I don't want to marry mike, porr please try to understand me" he snipes getting from the chair

Mr.Daichapanya walks out of chair holding his son by the shirt collar yelling on kit "kit, I brought you a nice match, mike is suitable to our family status and he is eligible to stand beside you,"

Kit shook his head "Why don't you understand my feelings, porr everything up until now I did what you ask me for! I did study medicine even though it's tough I did it for you, I brought your name up as you wish me to do! but this is my life mater I cannot marry someone you choose porr...please try to understand me"

Jack glares his son "I have been planning to make you director of robotics heart transplantation project, but you just crashing my dreams...."

Kit was shocked he rooted to his place "what?"

"yes..if you marry mike, his father is ready to invest more amount of money in the project, that project is lacking government funds if you accepts to this marriage, mike's father can pull some strings and get us the funds you both can develop robotic department which holds the future..."

Kit stood there in shock his father dreams like meeting the sky "porr we don't even know what happen tomorrow and you're planning to develop robotics project...that would not bring any benefits it don't hold the future but it collapses many young aspiring doctor's future porr!!!!" he shouts,

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