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Buck wasn't up from the couch already that someone was at the door. He stood up, cracking his left knee, which wasn't a good idea at the moment, and went to the door, wearing a dumb face.

Confused, he stepped away, making enough space for the boy with the crutches and his father, holding his bag with all his stuff inside. 

-I put his medicine in the front pocket as usual and his vitamins in the blue bottle. You remember when to give them to him.

Buck leaned against the door, still stoned about what happened a minute ago when Eddie was walking into his apartment like he was in a grocery store.

-Wait a minute, Buck said, what are you doing here?

The fireman looked at his watch, puzzled, and glanced at him like he was a fool.

-It's Saturday Buck, you're supposed to spend time with Christopher, remember? Got an appointment out of town, I could have driven him to his Abuelita, but she's in Oregon. You're my plan B. I hope you're not going to tell me that you don't want him around today; he was so excited to come; please, don't fail him too.

-What? No. No, of course, Christopher can stay; I'm happy to have him...Just a little bit surprised you trust me to watch over him.

-What do you think? I do trust you to take care of my son, and it won't ever change. Where's the problem?

Buck's fingers tapped on the edge of the table, embarrassed. Eddie was about to leave.

-In fact, Buck stopped him. I do know where the problem is, he said, nervous. The problem, it's you and me.

Eddie turned around to face him, puzzled, waiting for his explanation.

-Listen, I don't know what to do anymore for you to forgive me. I screwed up, and I'm sorry. I don't want you to hate me for my mistakes...

-I already forgave you.

-I wanted to say that...Wait. What? You forgive me?

Eddie shrugs, stunned by the question.

-Yeah. Obviously, I forgive you. You didn't stop looking at me with those puppy eyes the whole week. I couldn't pretend I was mad at you; I already knew you were carrying enough.

If he hadn't any pain in his legs, Buck would have probably jumped on him, laughing and screaming, but he didn't want to seem too aggressive.


Eddie arched an eyebrow.


He stared at him, amused, before rolling his eyes and opening his arms, knowing it was all Buck was waiting for to grant him. The blondie hugged him and patted him on the back gently, happy to be his friend again. Eddie stepped away, grinning.

-Great, you take care of Christopher. I'll take him back this afternoon. No video games too late! He brought out loud enough to be sure his son heard and saw him dropping the remote, pretending not to have it in hand. He passed by his friend and walked to his son, kissing him on the head. See you later son, Love ya.

-Love you too, daddy!

He patted Buck's shoulder, and at the door, he looked at him.

-Are you taking medication to get the pain away, or are you pretending to work with that face?

-What? Why are you saying that?

-Your leg. May I remind you I used to be a military paramedic Buck, don't take me for a fool.

-It's, it's nothing, he tried to reassure him, making his leg crackling. I'm just missing some training.

-Eat meat. You're more missing proteins, dude.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now