Worldwide Pandemic

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-Until new information for the States of America, we ask people to avoid masses concentrations, meetings, family dinners,  to go out. Cinemas, theaters, museums, concert places, bars, and restaurants will be closed tomorrow night for an undetermined time. Take care of yourselves, be aware of protecting the others by standing three feet from each other. Wear a mask, wash your hands, cough in your elbow. We're fighting against a worldwide pandemic killing people all around the world, and to get out of that, we need to be united as one.

-What the hell is that? The happy new year of shit is coming in.

-Language, Bobby, told off behind him.

Evan tilted over the couch to see his captain, standing next to Chimney while Hen and Eddies were sat on the red sofa. More precisely, they jumped on it. The breaking news surprised them all during lunch, and they spent the entire morning getting worried about the daily news.

Two weeks earlier, every tv channel and social media abroad showed stats about a virus from Asia. It overran Europe before knocking at America's frontier. It's the end of April, and all around the world, more than a million people were getting sick. Two thousand already died.

-Alright, Bobby called. I need someone to find me all the hydroalcoholic lotions we have in stock. Eddie, could you please find us some masks out there? They won't last forever, but it's just to give the mayor some time to give us good ones. I want all of you to wear gloves during missions. If one of you feels dizzy or sick, I want to know it right away. You'll be passing a PCR every two days to be sure you're doing fine. Finally, I know this will not be funny, but Barbecues at my house won't happen until this is not over. Now, I want everyone to be cautious.

They all approved. Eddie stayed on the couch, sit cross-legged, chewing his thumb's skin.

-What's going on? You're still angry? Buck joked when looking at him.

-My son. Schools. What are they gonna do? If they close up, who's gonna take care of Christopher? If they don't close up, how do I know he's safe? How do I do?

-Eddie, Bobby, reassured him, we'll work on it. I'll do what I can to be sure he's safe and not alone, don't worry. If you need to take some days off, tell me.

-What? No. I just came back, and I won't leave already. I'm just worried about my son.

Buck pet his shoulder to give him some support and left the room. He walked to the stock unit where those hydroalcoholic lotions were supposed to be.

-Cap, do you think we're going to have a crazy day?

-I think that's going to be one of the worse of the year. People are already running in stores to buy everything they need. The police station will be overwhelmed. Be sure to have everything you need in the ambo. It's possible we don't have the time to restock.

Hen and Chimney nodded and ran to the back of their vehicle.

-Eddie, I need you to be at hundred per cents today. Don't think about your son; he's at school, everything's gonna be alright for him, okay?

The firefighter nodded and hurried himself to get back to work. He switched off the TV, which could rapidly become toxic if all the news were that bad.

They didn't start the afternoon, yet they had to take their gear and jump in the vehicles. They had a call about a car accident downtown.

On the scene, it was chaos. Drivers were angry and honking. Some of them abandoned their cars and were making round trips between stores and their trunk. Some others were yelling. A police car has already arrived, and Bobby recognized his wife, who was already wearing an LAPD mask.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now