9-1-1 What's your emergency?

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-What the hell is happening? 

Buck was so nervous that his walk created a trench in his apartment. Hanging on the phone with the loudspeaker, he was waiting for Chimney on the other side of the microphone to tell him something. Good or bad, he didn't care. 

-What is she saying? He pressed him, worried. 

-She's doing her job, he scolded. Give her some space and time, Buckley. I feel stressed. 

-I'm stressing you? Everything's stressful. This whole situation is stressful; it's Maddie we're talking about. 

-Who appears to be my girlfriend, in case you don't remember. 

Evan frowned when he perceived Athena's voice through the phone. 

-They won't send anyone in the building. According to them, it's just a system failure, nothing to worry about. 

-Nothing to worry about...You're kidding me? 9-1-1 is not responding, Maddie doesn't answer her phone, and they sent you to Chimneys for an onion allergic reaction. Yeah, nothing to worry about, hun? 

-He's right, added Chimney. I don't eat onions. 

Buck could nearly see Athena's face reacting to them, trying to make some humor, whereas she wasn't up to it. However, she wanted to trust them. 

-They won't send anyone, but I want to be sure. Chimney, you're with me. 

-Yeah. Right. Great. Bye Buck! 

-What? No! Wait! Chim! Chim?

He grumbled when he noticed his friend hung up on him and his eyes went directly to his keys. 

-Fuck, he said, closing his apartment and running to his car. 


Six minutes later, he parked on the side of the road, looking into his mirror to see the beacons of lieutenant Grant's beacons. Anxious, he stared at her and opened his window, leaning over the door. He didn't even let her the time to speak. 

-Don't be mad, he said, knowing he'd probably violated a few laws and that once again, he didn't listen to whatever Athena said. 

The next moment, he sat on the backseat of the car 77. 

-Buck, Chimney greeted him. 

-Chim, he responded, perfectly aware that he wasn't supposed to do it, but indeed, he did. 

-You didn't tell anyone else, don't you? Asked Athena angrily. If so, I'll need to ask for a bus. It's getting a little bit tighter. 

They both didn't respond, knowing that just a word could be the perfect reason for Athena to drop them on the highway. 

-What do you think we'll find out there? Asked the shotgun, concerned about what happens to the 9-1-1 center. 

-Dunno. You're already saying something happened because Maddie told you that she loves you. If I wasn't so concerned about a friend, I'd already sent you to therapy. But I gonna be honest, if you scared me for nothing, I'm going to be your living hell. Both of you, she threatened 'em. 

Chimney glanced at Buck in the inner rear mirror, and maybe it was fear for Maddie that he saw in his eyes, or maybe it was the wish that something did happen at the center because if it didn't, Athena would kill 'em. 

-You two, she ordered, no one move. 

She pointed at the passenger in the backseat. 

-You idiot, if I don't find your ass on this seat when I'm getting back, I nail you on a freaking wall. Copy? 

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now