Don't Breathe

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May 25, 2020, the day of arrest...

-It's nonsense! It makes no sense!

If the bets had been made before this sentence, many of those present in the room would have lost money. Contrary to what everyone might have thought, it was not Eddie who immediately got angry, but Maddie, with her slightly swollen belly, who arrived with her pajama top and two different socks.

-I demand that he be released immediately! She cried out.

Chimney was trying as best he could to calm her down, but in truth, he would have liked to have answers too. Hen was leaning against a wall, totally in shock, and especially lost in a labyrinth of confusion. Bobby stood near the desk, arms crossed and his eyes dark. Eddie, on the other hand, was sitting in the chair, his eyes lost in the void, totally disconnected from reality.

-Maddie, if you will, I would like to explain what's going on, I just need you to calm down.

She made great gestures in the air before retreating and starting to trample on the ground, her gaze on Athena.

-I know that this story has no tail or head, and I myself find it difficult to understand everything. But I think you have the right to know everything. First of all, know that it was Buck who made this decision and I am not proud to have been one of those who arrested him, she confessed while sitting behind her desk. But I don't intend to let it sink. He is part of the family, so I would do everything to make him well defended.

-Defended for what? Spit out his sister by pointing her. What did he do??

-Buck is accused of two murders and falsification of evidence. Unfortunately, he confessed and everything is against him.

-It's nonsense! He would never have done that! Free him Athena, he has nothing to do behind bars!

-Hector Jagger's death has been classified as self-defense, the prosecution will have no arguments to propose for this case, she continued, ignoring the pregnant woman. Regarding the accident involving Nicolas Garcia and Michael Ortega's falsified criminalization, Buck revealed everything on recording half an hour ago.

-Someone must have forced him! There is no other way, he would never have done that, he hates violence, Chimney defended him.

Athena looked up to the Asian.

-Recently, several things happened involving our friend Buck and Eddie.

All faces converged on him, he didn't even take it into account.

-You were not informed, she confessed, staring at the three people who had not known anything, because it was the responsibility of the police. But Christopher was kidnapped yesterday morning and returned to his father last night in excellent shape.

The eyes softened, Hen frowned, outraged to learn it only at that moment.

-The man behind all this was Michael Ortega's twin brother, Francis. During his year in Argentina, the day before his departure, Buck found himself in an alley in the middle of the night and fought with two men, fatally wounding one of them, Nicolas Garcia. On the occasion of fear, he decided to make a staging and arranged for the second guy to be accused.

-Michael Ortega? Supposed Chimney, who lived this like the script of a new blockbuster.

-Ortega committed suicide in his cell a few months later. Francis his brother spent all this time trying to reveal the truth.

Athena stretched out her arm and lifted a cardboard box from the ground to remove the lid and search inside. She took out a plastic pouch and placed it on the desk.

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