Rebirth - Epilogue

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February 23, 2022.

The large gates slipped on their hinges and hit both walls in a sinister snap.

The cool wind made the bare branches of the trees dance and the sun heated the morning dew.

Standing between these grids, with a bag in his hand, he looked at this landscape at length as a real painting. It was nothing special, it was only winter and cold weather, with gloomy colors. But it was the only one he had seen in almost two years. He had finally got used to gray walls, yellow tiles and cracked slabs. A tree was all he asked for.

He advanced without turning around, and when the gates closed behind his back, he took inspiration again.

Air, cold, pure and free.

He was free.

He laughs. He didn't think he could get by and if there had been times when he had almost stayed there, today he was on the other side of the grid. Without any padlocks or locks.

-I feel like I'm reborn!

He turned his head and laughed. Devon was lying on the floor, his arms starring, his eyes sparkling.

-Do you know you don't really exist? He called him back. You had all the time to go breathe buddy .

He raised his head.

-Since when have you been calling me buddy? He wondered while sitting down.

Evan smiled and reached out to the young boy. He seized him and used him to get up. They stayed for a few seconds to stare at each other.

-Thank you Devon. For keeping me company.

-Truly, you kept yourself company. I remind you that I am in your head.

Evan shook his head before blowing, nostalgic.

-It's time for you to leave. I can't thank you enough for staying by my side in recent years.

-You made me stay, he grimaced, pinching his lips.

Buck rolled his eyes.

-Oh, you want me to cry, right?

He blinked his eyelids to remove the drops of water that were beginning to flood his eyes. He shot the boy's arm and embraced him.

-You can leave now. You've been here for far too long. It's time for you to rest too.

He observed him for a few seconds and smiled at him.

He stood in front of the gates and did not move and anyone who observed him saw a single guy looking into the void. In his head, they were heartbreaking farewells.

-I'm proud of what you've become, said the brown haired with a smile. I'm sad that it's over.

-The best stories have an end Dev. Today it's yours that ends.

He hug him one last time and closed his eyes, taking advantage of the last seconds.

When he reopened them, he was able to contemplate the lean and twisted trees again.

The black clouds in his mind had dissipated and let the rays of warm and peaceful light filter. His breaths became new breaths, like a rebirth.

He turned his head and shook her, tenderized, seeing the gray car waiting for him on the side of the west wall. He walked slowly, almost shy and stopped a few meters from the person leaning against the door.

Maddie smiled.

-Hi little brother.

He dropped his bag and rushed into his arms, burying his head in his neck.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now