Friendly Friends

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-727L30 to central, send a patrol to 12 Charlestone. There's A victim by bullet in one of the rooms.

Once she had finished recording her alert, she backed up and pointed to the left, leaving at full speed towards the city center. All sirens lit, she took the road to the hospital.

-Chimney has just warned me, Eddie is in intensive care.

-How is he? She inquired, concerned.

-They don't have any information yet, everything they know, we already know.

Bobby scratched his eyebrow arch, worried.

-How will we be able to announce to them? For Buck.

-I don't know Bobby... I don't know. Maddie is going to kill us.


In the hospital waiting room, Hen emerged from a corridor corner with three black cafes in hand. Carla enjoyed gluttony by opening her hands widely and grabbing the cup. She grabbed the brick of orange juice and handed it to the little boy, sitting next to her.

-News? She questioned her by sitting silently.

-Not any. At least he is on the right track, Chimney replied, making a skeptical pout.

On the other side of the room, Maddie took a hundred steps, fists on her hips, looking frightening black. She couldn't help but look at the entrance doors, hoping to see her brother emerge who had not given news to anyone.

-Where are Bobby and Athena? She asked for the fifth time in ten minutes.

-Somewhere between here and...

At the same time, the sliding doors opened and Bobby appeared, looking tired and aged. He seemed worried.

A few meters behind, Athena, her hands resting on her belt approached. Maddie ignored them.

-Buck! She threw at her brother in the distance. What happened? What's all that? You're bleeding!

Hen and Chimney got up and looked at Bobby. The young firefighter shook his head when he saw their eyes worried.

-It's not mine, I...

-Buck, interrupted the lieutenant. This way.

Maddie frowned, outraged and her brother smiled at her weakly, sorry. He went through them and followed the officer who entered the emergency department.

Maddie almost unscrewed his head looking at the captain of 118.

-What is this story?

He blinked and addressed all those present in the waiting room who had a connection with the firefighter.

-He can't talk to you, for his safety. I know it's difficult to hear, but we have to pray for Eddie. Athena takes care of Evan.

Maddie followed him to the green seats and sat next to him, not having said his last word. Hen and Chimney listened. Carla tried to distract Christopher.

-Bobby, we're friends, begged Maddie, he's my brother...

He nodded upset.

-Athena and I know full well that Evan is innocent, but there will still be an investigation. Athena is only following the procedure. You have to trust her, your brother will be well I am personally committed to it.

-What happened? Where is Hector? Inquired Hen, who had leaned forward, curious.

The captain glanced at the emergency doors, sceptical.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now