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It was really worse than a Paris Washington flight with a crying baby. It's cold, unpleasant and oppressive. Above all, it's a leaden silence.

When Athena took him to the police station, he did not initially think that he would be asked to get into the interrogation room. But now that he was there, Eddie found the time horribly long, it had been an eternity since Athena had gone to make him a coffee and she had still not returned. Time was going by and every second spent here meant that his son was spending one further from him.

-Fuck! I want to go out I want to find my son!

He suspected that no one could hear him and that he spoke alone, but he didn't care, all he wanted was for Christopher to go home and be told what was really happening.

However, he could not guess it, but when his face stood two millimeters from the tinted glass, on the other side, Buck's one observed him, his heart at the edge of the precipice.

-He doesn't deserve that. Christopher is a great boy and Eddie despite his mistakes remains a great father.

-I totally agree with you Buck, but with what you just told me, I'm not sure that Athena's colleagues will also be inclined to try to help her.

-It's only a kid! He is lost we don't know where and with someone who is completely sick, we don't have time to reproach Eddie for his faults.

Bobby shook his head. He agreed with the firefighter, but he was also torn by his duty as superior.

-Eddie is dependent Buck, you told us yourself. Even if you have committed to helping him, I can't be sure that he will be himself again. Recently, he attracted the attention of the authorities, if everything goes well, he may be removed from custody.

-It's out of the question, you know it would destroy him. He didn't do anything wrong!

-I agree with you, thundered a voice behind their back while Athena had appeared in the small airlock. As a friend, I would do everything to bring his son back in shape. As a police officer, Eddie is under substance, suspected of having organized everything and even lied about the events of two weeks ago. Most of me knows exactly what is true, a smaller one tells me that something not clear is happening with both of you. Could you enlighten me Buckaroo?

The firefighter again placed his eyes on his best friend on the other side of the window who had returned to sit and put his head in his arms. He blew.

-Let me talk to him. You just have to listen and you will decide to believe what you want Athena.

-It's out of the question, I can't leave you with a potential suspect.

-Eddie is a victim until proven otherwise and I can go see him as a friend. Let me talk to him, you know he will tell me the truth. If you don't like what you hear, you just have to intervene.

Athena stared at him for a moment, hesitant and asked her husband for advice, who had already approved the idea before it was even proposed.

-Before I go in , Buck said, putting his hand on the handle, Could you do me a favor and find me ice ? I'm going to need it.

The couple exchanged a troubled look but said nothing by resting their eyes inside the interrogation room where Buck had just entered.


When the door opened, he was going to rejoice at the coffee before setting fire to his friend for the wait and lack of explanation. But when it was Buck who passed the door, he found nothing to say, following him with his eyes as he came to sit in front of him.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now